Chapter 165

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It could be seen that Win was determined to drag it out. No matter how they swept through the jungle area or forced a team battle at the river, Win would rather give up the group buff of the abyss king in order to defend the high ground as a group. They didn't give the opposing GH a chance to split the lineup at all.

To be honest, the situation on the field had reached this point and it was already completely one-sided. In the end, even if Win relied on this method to pull off a comeback, their method of winning the game wouldn't be glorious at all. Still, it was clear that the current Win couldn't care about that.

It was the quarter-finals and the knock-out mode was adopted. In this BO5 mode, the pressure would undoubtedly increase if the opponent won two consecutive rounds and got the match point. In this case, they would take anything as long as there was a chance of a comeback. It didn't matter if they won in a shameless manner or not. The more this happened, the more steady they needed to be. Win just had to wait for GH to show their flaws in their anxiety to win the game and there was a chance of turning things around.

In fact, GH's side was really anxious to win the game. At the very least, Jing Yuanzhou was really desperate. The game had unknowingly progressed to 42 minutes. The more it continued, the closer it would be to the time where Win's lineup was strong.

Jing Yuanzhou used his extra economy to gain a piece of resurrection armor and he said in the voice channel, "Take the dragon and then directly press forward."

The others replied. "Received."

There was a moment's pause before Lin Yan also responded in a low voice. "Yes."

In the later stage of the game, it could be clearly felt that Lin Yan's communication with the team was far less frequent. Now this low sound fell into Jing Yuanzhou's heart with a different meaning. Jing Yuanzhou forcibly controlled the urge to turn around and look at this person. He stabilized his mind again. He made a decision and gave himself a deadline. This wave must be won.

Just like before, Win didn't come to snatch the abyss king's buff and directly gave up. As a result, GH managed to get the team buff and once again pressed to the defense tower. Win's tower defense strategy was very detailed. The fact that their high ground tower had only lost half its health at present was enough to prove that the effect was significant.

Jing Yuanzhou proactively took over Lin Yan's right to speak, instructing in a concise manner, "Pay attention to my signal to open a group battle and cross the tower forcefully."

Forcefully destroying the tower. This obviously wasn't a very wise choice when there were two big tank heroes in front. The other GH members were stunned when they heard the words. Still, there was unconditional trust. "Understood!"

Lin Yan didn't speak. His eyes were on the computer screen while he secretly moved his somewhat trembling fingers. The feeling of stiffness was becoming more and more evident. Even Jing Yuanzhou was aware that his state wasn't quite right. How could Lin Yan himself not know that this wave was probably the last chance?

This was why they had to take it. As for whether such a radical approach could win, the answer was naturally a yes. He believed in Jing Yuanzhou's judgment no matter what. It was absolutely impossible for this man to do anything beyond reason.

There wasn't even the time to wipe off the sweat on his forehead. Lin Yan forcibly endured the feeling of dizziness and once again focused his attention to the extreme. The opposing side was circling the defense tower. The light on the screen fell on Jing Yuanzhou's face and his expression became more solemn.

The countless positions and details of both sides were expanded to the extreme under such a gaze. The usage time and cooldown time of each key skill also formed a series of virtual digital chains in their minds.

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