Chapter 43

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Three days later, the third pre-recorded episode was officially broadcasted.

Since it was entertainment content with no elimination and the mid-season was currently in full swing, the attention for this episode was significantly lower than the previous two episodes. Still, this didn't affect the fierce momentum of the coach who took advantage of it to become popular.

Apart from everything else, it might have been an entertainment game but it was a match-up against the veteran IBB of the secondary league. The GH team played a bit too fiercely. The barrage of the playback was crazy and various popular clips appeared on video websites.

Netizens combined this with Titans's previous doubles match live broadcast, the ambiguous moments when watching BK's match, and the tacit and exquisite cooperation on the variety show... The CP fans of the parent combination felt almost overwhelmed with happiness.

Every second of every frame was sweet sugar. It could only be said that the parental love was real!

For a team like GH that didn't have any results, most of the fans were face fans or CP fans. Relatively speaking, there were much less technique fans but the old fans who paid attention to Titans were a bit surprised.

The diehard Titans fans naturally weren't like the girlfriend fans who thought about the emotional world of the players every day. Sometimes, they thought that bringing the fan culture into the field of e-sports was a deformity in itself. Even so, they felt a burst of enthusiasm after watching the two entertainment games.

Anyone who followed Titans from his early days knew that originally, this player was extremely radiant on the field. At the same time, he was labelled as 'too unique' and this created controversy. Later, Titans changed a large part of his playing style after the internal reorganization of the NK team. Since then, he completely concealed his sharp edge. He played the role of the pillar of the team and steadily led the team to the peak step by step.

No one said the changes made by Titans were bad but as long as they thought of the boy in the past, the old fans would feel deep regret.

Now Titans had temporarily withdrawn from the professional league and went to an unknown team like GH but the old fans seemed to vaguely see the Titans who flew freely on the field in that first year. They were in a trance and were filled with expectations, especially after the two entertainment games. Due to the frequent linkage between the side lane and the jungle area, the overwhelming and sharp force seemed to make the dignified color on the Titans ID recede quietly.

This feeling was like a dust-covered blade suddenly emerging, still pointing directly at the sky.

The old fans were touched. They saw this figure in the video and couldn't help leaving messages. Thanks to the CP fans and loyal fans, the comments area of GH's official Weibo was very lively. Of course, many sunspots took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and stepped on Chen Yushen's foot in secret.

[Is Lin Yan really just the coach of your club? He is so strong. Why doesn't he consider directly replacing the jungler position?]

[It isn't meant for Abyss. The reputation of a player has a great influence on the club. I hope the club seriously considers it.]

[Ahhh, the parent combination is real, the parent combination is real! KSWL! Asking the officials to keep sending sugar!]

[I'm a bit moved. I haven't seen Titans like this on the field for so long. Asking the coach to become a player!]

[Fuck, I can't help but get a nosebleed at the sight of Coach Lin and Titans fighting together on the battlefield.]

[Seriously, if your jungler isn't good then change it as soon as possible. I think this coach plays much better as has a strong sense of rhythm. There is a ready-made player? You really won't consider it?]

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