Chapter 102

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This wave of destruction directly cut off QOG's last hope. GH's surviving players got the group buff on them and with the arrival of the soldiers, pushed all the way to the high grounds. The crystal shattered and victory was decided. Like this, QOG's last match of the season came to an end. They were ninth on the overall rankings and it announced that their journey in the autumn competition would end ahead of schedule.

The entire venue was filled with people yelling and cheering about the five kills while some people's senses couldn't return due to the excessively thrilling process. In the live broadcast, the barrage blew up due to someone bringing up a past incident.

They still remembered on the day that the GH team started broadcasting, Bi Yaohua said he would personally send the QOG team home before the final eight. At the time, the barrage had been full of sarcastic remarks that laughed at his ranting. Now the GH team had locked a quota of the top 8 in advance and thoroughly cut off QOG's path to the playoffs.

In any case, looking back at the events of that day, it could only be said that the arrangement of fate was wonderful. Everything seemed arranged to complete Bi Yaohua's wish. It was as if they could see the deep, eye-catching slap marks on the faces of the sunspots hiding behind the screen.

[Fuck fuck fuck, this wave from the Trash Talk King was awesome!]

[Of course, it is awesome! It is the first five kills of the autumn competition. This is special!]

[I have to say that although BB's mouth stinks, there is nothing wrong with his operation.]

[Did you see it just now? The main thing is that the Trash Talk King entered the battle in a great position and the rest of the GH team members are willing to completely circle around him. What is so strange about five kills!]

[Five kills isn't surprising? If it isn't surprising then do you want to show me one?]

[My mouth has dropped open. It isn't surprising? The other teams revolve around their shooter but they've never got such a harvest.]

[Even Wuhoo hasn't gotten five kills this season, I hope you know.]

[In addition, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this wave of team battles getting into the top 10 of the autumn competition.]

[Fuck, what is going on with my tears? So this fool has finally grown up? This is the rhythm of a great world!]

[Hahaha, it isn't that good. However, I'm curious. The Trash Talk King has gone through the extreme evolutionary version so what is he called? The Trash Talk God?]

[I have to say that QOG is really miserable. Not only were they ridiculed by their former teammate but they were also sent home by the former teammate. They must have a psychological shadow.]

[I'm looking forward to the interview later. I believe that the Trash Talk King's interview will be absolutely wonderful. I'll bet a cart of cucumbers that he'll have a mouthful to say.]

[No way, speaking live? Isn't he afraid of fines?]

[Indeed, it is such a good chance that I'm sure he can't help it.]

[Come and place your bets. Bet on how much this fool will be fined by the league this time.]

[Hahaha, is the person above the devil?]

The barrage was very lively and the entire venue was buzzing with noise. Only QOG's fans maintained an absolute silence. It had to be seen that losing the match was really heartbreaking. Forget just talking about the future in this autumn competition, the video of the five kills was guaranteed to go viral on the Internet. In the process of being widely spread, the QOG team would definitely be pressed to the ground. Some QOG fans even chose to leave in advance, not wanting to see the later matches of other teams.

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