Chapter 146

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Once everyone in GH returned to the lounge, Luo Mo stood up from the chair he was sitting on and made a 'shh' gesture at them. This was when everyone noticed the figure on the sofa. Lin Yan was just going to close his eyes for a short time but he unknowingly had fallen asleep.

Jing Yuanzhou lightened his footsteps and walked to the table. He picked up the thermos on the table and weighed it. He found that the warm water inside had been drunk so he lifted it up and walked to the door. He called over a staff member and asked in a whisper, "Is there anywhere else with a water dispenser?"

The staff member couldn't help glancing toward the lounge in a somewhat puzzled manner. "There is... but is the one inside the lounge finished?"

"It isn't finished. It's just that the sound of the pouring water is too loud and I'm afraid it will wake someone up." Jing Yuanzhou explained briefly and succinctly. He lowered his eyes and showed a decent smile. "Could I trouble you to take me to another one?"

The staff member was a girl. She wasn't a fan of GH but she still blushed at such a smile. "It's no trouble, no trouble. Come with me!"

Jing Yuanzhou said thanks again. He looked back at Gu Luo who was poking his head out. "Do you guys need any water? I'll bring some back for you."

Gu Luo sensibly waved his hand. "No need. Captain, it is important for you to take care of the coach. Don't worry, we'll be very quiet."

Jing Yuanzhou nodded and followed the staff member. The intermission was very short. By the time he returned to the lounge, it was half over. At a glance, several people sat in a row quietly. The entire room seemed like they could hear a needle drop.

Jing Yuanzhou walked in, gently closed the door and set the thermos back down on the table. Every movement seemed methodical.

However, Luo Mo next to him couldn't sit still. He crept over and pulled Jing Yuanzhou to the side. He lowered his voice and asked. "What should we do? The break is almost over... shouldn't we wake up the boss first?"

Jing Yuanzhou's eyes skimmed to the side and landed on Lin Yan on the couch."No need." He noticed Luo Mo's demeanor where he started and stopped talking and smiled. "Don't worry. He will wake up."

He knew Lin Yan too well. As long as this man's mind still remembered the game, his body's instincts would have a sense of time even in such a state.

Luo Mo heard this with a blank expression. "?"

Jing Yuanzhou didn't explain anything. He didn't take back his gaze that was still resting on that figure. It was under such a gaze that the man sleeping on the sofa slowly opened his eyes as if he sensed it.

He had just woken up and Lin Yan's mind couldn't help being blank for a moment. Then he lifted his blanket and abruptly sat up like he remembered something. The action was so strong that he inevitably got some hypoglycemia when he sat up. His body shook a bit before he gradually understood the surrounding environment.

Lin Yan frowned and reached up to rub his sore temples. His first sentence was, "Did you win?"

Jing Yuanzhou replied, "We won."

The result was expected but after hearing the exact answer, Lin Yan slowly said, "That's good."

Then he reached out and touched the notebook next to him. "Is it the intermission? How many minutes are left? I accidentally fell asleep just now. Who will tell me briefly about the situation? It's match point now so I have to..."

His voice was hoarse. It made the mood of the players listening to it even more complicated.

In fact, everyone's hearts had accumulated different emotions when watching Wuhoo's persistence on the field. At this time, they saw their coach's devotion and it was inevitable that something would be deeply touched. They felt overwhelmed.

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