Chapter 36

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Don't look at the words Lin Yan could still manage after the match. The moment he returned to his hotel room, he lay 'dead' on the bed. Jing Yuanzhou glanced at the man's lifeless look and turned to the bathroom to soak a towel in hot water. He wrung it out, walked to the bed and handed it over.

Lin Yan raised his eyelashes slightly, not meaning to move at all. Then he saw Jing Yuanzhou suddenly leaning down with calm eyes. Lin Yan's heart jumped a bit and he spoke vigilantly, "What are you doing?"

"You just sweated and it isn't good to sleep like this." Jing Yuanzhou looked down with an indifferent expression. "If you don't want to move then I will help you wipe it. Don't worry, there is no service fee this time."

Lin Yan's eyes skimmed the falling hair just a short distance away and he was stunned. It wasn't until the wet towel touched his forehead that he hurriedly reached out to grab it. "I will wipe it myself."

He didn't have much strength left in his body. Fortunately, the moment he touched the towel, Jing Yuanzhou let go of his hand. Jing Yuanzhou watched Lin Yan wiping his face in a perfunctory manner and lowered his eyes. He made a small gesture. "Wipe your neck as well?"

Lin Yan inexplicably got a burning sensation from his neck where the eyes passed over. Lin Yan was startled for a moment before wiping it swiftly. Then he threw the towel back at Jing Yuanzhou's head and wailed, "Captain Jing, let me go. I want to sleep for a while."

Jing Yuanzhou saw this face and didn't continue to make him struggle. "Go to sleep. I'll boil some hot water for you so drink a little bit when you wake up."

Lin Yan made a vague hum and rolled into the messy bedding, burying his entire body inside it. He rarely showed a state of exhaustion in front of others. At this time, he was obviously really tired. He no longer cared about Jing Yuanzhou's eyes on him and closed his eyes.

In fact, he had already been a bit dizzy on the field before. Today's team voice channel might've been kept as quiet as possible but in the course of the game, communication within the team was indispensable and the suffocation brought about by the atmosphere was inevitable. He was in such an environment for too long and every minute and every second was a test of will.

Even an extremely tenacious person like Lin Yan felt that he had almost reached the tipping point of losing control.

Jing Yuanzhou went to the bathroom to clean the towel and hung it up. Then he put on a pot of water. Once he came out again, he found that the man on the bed had fallen asleep.

Lin Yan was lying on the bed, half his face buried in the pillow. Only the smooth and distinct outline of half his face was exposed. His eyelashes were very long and fell quietly like butterfly wings at rest. The quilt was crumpled together and held tightly in his arms, as if this was the only way to get enough security while sleeping.

Jing Yuanzhou stood by the bed and watched for a while. He made sure that Lin Yan was sleeping soundly before pulling out a chair from the side to sit down. Then he started playing with his phone casually.

The latest message received was from Gu Luo, who said the recording of the show had ended and they were on the way back to the hotel. GH's base wasn't too far from here so they should've set off back directly. However, considering Lin Yan's situation, they still chose to stay one more night.

Jing Yuanzhou replied with 'I know' and couldn't help glancing at the person on the bed.

It could be seen that Lin Yan was obviously unwilling to think about his past based on the way he hadn't told the other players about his PTSD. Even if he left early, he used the excuse of being busy. If it wasn't for Jing Yuanzhou knowing about it, Lin Yan would've been prepared to fight everything silently.

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