Chapter 169

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The short break ended and the last quarter-final match started as scheduled.

Three's strength was obvious to all. In addition, the other two teams of the Chinese division had been confirmed to advance. Netizens were very eager and hoped to put the subtitle 'KING, you have been completely surrounded' on the screen at the end of the match.

In contrast, Lin Yan wasn't as blindly optimistic as the netizens.

Three was indeed far better than Group in terms of strength but the matter of Wuhoo's hand injury was still unclear. Anyone who had been in contact with it knew that this type of trauma couldn't be completely healed in half a month.

Naturally, this became the only suspense in today's match.

It was well-known in the European and American divisions that Group was a 'tortoise' team. Looking at the group's past games, it wasn't hard to see that none of them were less than 45 minutes long and the longest was over an hour. They created the record for the longest game since the league was held.

This type of keeping up with the enemy using their strong defense could be regarded as a perfect interpretation of the tactic 'injure the enemy 1,000 times while self-inflicting 800 damage on yourself.' It was an endurance style of play where they either killed the enemy or killed themselves.

It was because each one of Group's games was basically a long and boring fight against pressure that led to this team having the smallest number of fans among the teams in the World Competition despite being a seeded team from the European and American divisions.

At the same time, they were ranked highly on the list of 'teams I don't want to meet' voted on by every big team.

The previous group stage was BO1 but the current quarter-final knock-out was BO5. Facing a team like Group, Three had to win three games in one go. Otherwise, once they entered the fourth game with a tug-of-war rhythm, it would only be disadvantageous to Wuhoo who had a hand injury.

Three was clearly well aware of this situation and didn't want to give Group a chance. They were extremely fierce the moment the game started.

Bi Yaohua looked a bit dumbfounded. "Wuhoo's hand... doesn't look injured at all. Why do I feel like this combination is even more ruthless than when they hit us?"

Lin Yan told him, "It's because of the injury that it is necessary to play like this."

He felt the inquiring gazes from around him but continued watching the game calmly without explaining.

Three chose a two-lane development strategy for this game. In addition to Wuhoo in the bottom lane, a large part of the economy was also reserved for their mid-laner. From the very beginning, the jungler was active in the middle and bottom lanes. Wuhoo and Come also cooperated and quickly occupied the jungle in the bottom half of the map.

Usually once the game progressed to this level, it meant that Three had mastered enough of the initiative on the field. If it was switched to any other team, the opponent would've already entered an infinite vicious circle. However, Three's opponent was Group.

This team with peculiar attributes was good at coping with this type of overwhelming situation. Just when everyone thought the game would end in 30 minutes, time passed unknowingly. It wasn't until the 48th minute that Three finally broke Group's crystal.

"This game was played too long." At this point, even Jian Ye realized that something was wrong. "What's going on? I feel that Three started to weaken from the middle stage?"

"It isn't that they weakened. It is that they had no place to use it." Jing Yuanzhou explained. "Group's defensive details are almost perfect. Every time Three's attack reaches a critical period, Group can always accurately grasp the breakthrough point and intercept it back. Of course, the current economic advantage of Three means they can push hard. It is just that it isn't worth making such an attempt when thinking about the risks of forcefully pushing through the tower."

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