Chapter 125

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After the National Day holidays, the journey to the playoffs officially began. The latter competition was in the knock-out format. GH was ranked second in the regular season and directly occupied the semi-final spot of Group B.

In the next arrangement, the first match in the group would be played between the seventh ranked UL and the sixth ranked SUU teams. After that, the winner and the third ranked PAY would compete in the second match. The final winner would get the qualifications to the semi-finals and compete with GH for the ticket to the finals.

Thus, getting the second place ranking really wasn't in vain. One last round of participation meant saving time and energy to better prepare for the semi-finals a week later. Based on the match arrangements, the first week of the competition came to a successful conclusion under the expectant eyes of the viewers.

During the first round, the BK team in Group A and the SUU team in Group B lived up to expectations. It was a BO3 format and they won with an absolute advantage of 2:0.

Then on the Saturday of that week, the second round of the playoffs officially began.

The BK team and LDF team in Group A played 1:1 first. The final match point was won by LDF and they obtained a thrilling score of 2:1. Meanwhile in Group B, PAY showed absolute strength and crushed SUU with a score of 2:0 to advance to the semi-finals without any suspense.

The first week of the competition ending and the semi-final matchups were official.

In Group A, the first ranked Three would play against LDF. In Group B, the second ranked GH would play against PAY.

The top four teams would compete on Wednesday and Friday of next week respectively. The playoffs were in full swing and the promotional videos of the teams were already posted on the Internet.

As the cameraman predicted, the video of the GH team had the largest number of views. After editing by various fans, it even boarded the rankings of the major video sites. In the days approaching the semi-finals, they were in the limelight.

Luo Mo was the manager of the GH Club and he had mixed feelings seeing the term 'the e-sports boys group' on several hot searches.

The good thing was that the number of fans of the team was growing in almost a straight line as the autumn competition progressed. The worry was that among these fans, the number of face fans and career fans was basically 50:50.

This ratio undoubtedly made the team's overall fan base extremely weak. Even if they had performed well up to now, if they didn't perform well in the future then they would suffer a backlash from these fans.

Luo Mo's worries were indeed reasonable but Lin Yan heard about it and didn't care at all. "If they want to fight back then fight back! Which team doesn't have a pile of black fans? Should we be afraid of the keyboard warriors on the Internet? Compared with this, I don't think your attitude is quite right. Ah Mo, what do you mean by not playing well? Are these the words of a human? We haven't played in the semi-finals yet and you are already talking about our players' poor performances. If this really affects the final result then can this blame be put on your head?"

Luo Mo originally wanted to discuss the management plan for the team's fans. Now instead of discussing anything, he received a lecture instead. In the end, he could only withdraw tactically.

The semi-finals were approaching and Lin Yan didn't want to hear any jinxes in the final days. He sent Luo Mo away and systematically sorted out the lineup arrangement. After confirming it several times, he finally put down his worries. He walked to the door of the training room, greeted the players, and called out Jing Yuanzhou.

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