Chapter 75

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SUU was a new team that had just emerged in the past two years, but their entire process was somewhat different from other teams.

The team initially became known in the league because their owner, the Peng Group, spent huge sums of money to directly buy the league quota from the old team OR. Then the name was changed to SUU and a brand new club was established.

It was a pity that despite the great momentum, SUU didn't achieve ideal results in the first year of the league. Their best result was only the quarterfinals. This made the entire team go through a thorough reshuffle during the transfer period of their second year.

If teams such as BK and LDF had the richest players in the league, SUU was undoubtedly a well-deserved 'rich' club.

Strong financial support allowed them to replace the team's lineup on a large scale almost every year. After a batch of screening, this year they introduced two major foreign players as the top laner and jungler. This allowed them to finally achieve good results in this year's summer competition and mid-season.

It was said that the two foreign players of SUU were trying to learn to communicate in simple Chinese and the team was in the critical working together period. Once the team successfully completed the integration, they would inevitably have an extremely strong presence in the autumn competition.

SUU was a rising force in the league and Lin Yan naturally had some understanding of the history of this team. Yet more than that, he cared about the current SUU captain, Mirror.

Mirror, also known as Peng He, was the important presence in the small group at the youth training camp that caused that incident.

At present, everyone in the small group had been locked up except for Peng He. It was because there was no evidence to prove he had participated in it. Therefore, he wasn't implicated and was still active in the professional league.

Lin Yan asked Xie Wei to investigate because he believed in his friend's ability to verify things. Since even Xie Wei said there was nothing wrong with the verdict, there was a large possibility that Peng He really had no relationship with the events of that year.

However, if he was really unrelated, why did the Peng Group use so much effort back then to bring the two incidents to an end? This was exactly what Lin Yan couldn't solve. Combined with Chen Yushen, this made him look at SUU under a filter and there was a somewhat subtle feeling.

He had a complex mood, let alone Chen Yushen, who was the party involved. Lin Yan had actually been worried about what state Chen Yushen would be in when meeting SUU during the autumn competition. There was a sudden encounter today. His family's jungler looked more stinky than usual but he didn't show any extra emotions.

"He had adjusted better than expected..." Lin Yan couldn't help some approval flashing in his eyes. He pressed the record button and leaned back on the sofa to pay attention to the game.

After all, the nature of human beings was to watch excitement. The moment the name of the SUU team appeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room became even crazier.

[Fuck, this isn't fake? SUU actually sniped GH? It shouldn't be necessary for them!]

[I thought it was just a joke. A professional team was really squatting?]

[It's a coincidence. I know that SUU has been training with their foreign players recently. They probably just matched randomly.]

[Then they don't know this team is GH? Hah, this will be very interesting.]

[SUU's performance in the mid-season was fierce. This time, GH really kicked the steel plate.]

[Weren't the fans of GH bragging really hard before? Now it is time to see the strength of a professional team.]

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