Chapter 184

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Both Jing Yuanzhou and Gu Luo belonged to the type that were extremely strong existences in the lane. Originally, Yan would have come to gank from time to time to contain them. As a result, he was almost crushed by Chen Yushen at the start. He couldn't take care of himself, let alone his teammates.

KING looked for several opportunities in succession but still couldn't find anything. In the end, they could only be more cautious and try to stabilize the situation on the field as much as possible while allowing An Seungyeob on the bottom lane to have more room for development.

The top, middle and jungle had completely collapsed. This meant that An Seungyeob on the bottom lane became the only breakthrough opportunity for KING. An Seungyeob naturally knew this very well in his heart. However, Bi Yaohua opposite him was the shadow sniper in this round. He wasn't good at dealing with such a shooter hero who liked insidious tricks.

There wasn't the support to protect him so Bi Yaohua thoughtfully acted as a sniper from the rear. Once his ammunition was completed, he shrank under the defense tower and used ranged skills to interfere with An Seungyeob.

An Seungyeob was a top existence among shooters but there was nothing he could do against Bi Yaohua, a sniper. For every four or five shots, he would be hit by one or two shots. A weak defense hero like An Seungyeob easily had his health reduced and one more shot could directly have his life taken away by Bi Yaohua.

An Seungyeob naturally couldn't afford to gamble on this type of thing that was too random. He could only find the time to go back to the city before hurrying back to the line. Yet even after careful planning of the timing, he would still inevitably lose a few soldiers.

Over time, even the economy of the bottom lane was inevitably widened. From an unknown point in time, the situation gradually turned one-sided. The audience really hadn't expected it at all. The surprised people didn't know if they should say that GH had adjusted their emotions too well or wonder if KING had lost their mentality after two consecutive losses.

They couldn't figure it out but the atmosphere of the scene became more tense as the game progressed. The start was really bad but would KING let GH suppress them all the way to the end of the game?

Everyone knew that it was impossible! Once the game progressed to 18 minutes, all of the KING players disappeared from GH's sights as if they had made an appointment. Simultaneously, the audience saw the dense killing intent around the bottom lane from a god's perspective. They were ready to make a comeback around An Seungyeob.

Bi Yaohua had long felt this from his vision. KING had effectively used evasion while moving. From Bi Yaohua's perspective, An Seungyeob was in front of him while the mid-laner, jungle and support suddenly appeared in the grass behind him and were eyeing him.

Chen Yushen didn't find Yan in the jungle. He glanced at An Seungyeob and quickly gave a signal. "Be careful down the road."

Bi Yaohua raised his big sniper rifle. He was indifferent on the surface but there were endless shouts in the voice channel. "Hurry, hurry! They are coming to mess with me!"

Jing Yuanzhou told him, "I have teleportation."

Gu Luo quickly cleared the line of soldiers. He pretended to be on the road while also starting to hurry down. "I'm coming!"

They were presumably aware of the movements of GH so KING launched this wave of battle very decisively. Before Bi Yaohua had time to reload, he saw a group of people swarming out behind him, "Fuck, how many are there to come and see the Trash Talk King?"

The sudden outbreak awakened the quiet canyon.

Bi Yaohua was almost stuck in a close call. He used an extreme flash to use a big move. Before dying, he released his full output and beat the tank side-laner until there was only a last trace of health left.

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