Chapter 60

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The next day, by the time the others woke up one after another, it was already noon. They heard the message notifications in the team group chat and sleepily clicked it casually. Then they became stunned without warning.

Lin Breeder: Are you awake?

Titans – Jing Yuanzhou: Perhaps not yet.

Lin Breeder: It seems they are really tired these days. They actually haven't gotten up at this time.

Lin Breeder: @Titans – Jing Yuanzhou are you hungry? Come down to eat first if you're hungry.

Titans – Jing Yuanzhou: Not bad.

Lin Breeder: Wait a minute. I asked the auntie to keep the lunch warm. Once they wake up then we'll eat together.

Titans – Jing Yuanzhou: Yes.

It was obviously a very ordinary conversation and the content was even common. However, since these two people had a yellow and a pink head, a different taste inexplicably emerged.

Jing Yuanzhou's WeChat profile picture had been SpongeBob SquarePants from the beginning. They could naturally recognize it with one glance. The key lay mainly in Lin Yan's new profile picture. It was soft and pink. At first glance, they thought a girl's heart was overflowing. This was P-Patrick Star?

Jian Ye was still lying in bed when he clicked on the team group chat. Once he saw it, his first reaction was, 'Have I not woken up yet?'

He stared at the ceiling for a while before his phone vibrated twice. He opened it to take a look. It was obvious that others had the same questions as him.

Gloy – Gu Luo: Coach, why did you change your profile picture?

Lin Breeder: Huh? One person woke up?

Lin Breeder: This was sent to me by Titans yesterday. Isn't it cute?

Gloy – Gu Luo: Yes.

Gloy – Gu Luo: Cute.

Lin Breeder: I saw you weren't awake just now and even went to look for it specially.

Lin Breeder: What do you think of these profile pictures? Are they cute? I'll send them to you.

After speaking, Lin Yan posted several images in the group in the blink of an eye.

Jian Ye stared intently and saw Brother Octopus, Snail, Sandy and Karen in turn.

Jian Ye, "......"

He couldn't help appearing in the group.

Gun – Jian Ye: Coach, you have a good eye.

Lin Breeder: You woke up as well. See which one you like and change it too?

Gloy – Gu Luo: Huh? Us too?

Titans – Jing Yuanzhou: Do you want to change? [Smile]

Gloy – Gu Luo: ......

BB – Bi Yaohua: ......

Abyss – Chen Yushen: ?

Gloy – Gu Luo: I... don't want to.

BB – Bi Yaohua: Why change it? It's good for you and the captain. We won't join in on the fun.

Gun – Jian Ye: Oh, is everyone up? I'm so hungry. Let's eat, eat!

Lin Breeder: Okay, let's go down to eat first.

Judging from the tone of Lin Yan's last sentence, there was a lack of interest in everyone's attitude. After a while, everyone came downstairs and sat in the dining room one by one. Today, the aunt had cooked a very rich meal. Lin Yan ate with everyone for a while but was still unwilling to give up. He asked again, "You really don't want to change your profile picture?"

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