Chapter 31

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The moment the Weibo posts of the BK team were released, it wasn't a surprise that another bloody storm was created on the Internet. Not surprisingly, this incident also attracted the attention of other professional teams.

However, in comparison, the eyes of insiders were far more discerning than those of ordinary people.

After all, there was the relationship between Jing Yuanzhou and the BK team. Professional players could certainly guess the intention of this training game. As for GH winning against BK, it was only one game out of three. No one could ensure that they played normally in every game. Without knowing the specific situation, there was no need to question the overall strength of the BK team too much.

Once Jing Yuanzhou received Luni's message, he knew that the group chat of the professional players was probably very lively.

It was strange to say but when both of them were still in the professional league, they were friendly but there wasn't too much overlap. As a result, after temporarily leaving the professional circle, they had the opportunity for a deep friendship.

Luni asked very directly, "So you really won the training match?"

Jing Yuanzhou corrected him. "One game."

"It is all the same." Luni lamented. "A new team is already very strong if they can win a game from BK."

Jing Yuanzhou laughed. "What is it? You're speaking in such a roundabout way. Does your LDF also want to make an appointment with us?"

Then he continued before the other person could respond. "However, our team's schedule is quite busy lately. You will have to schedule an appointment."

Luni laughed angrily. "Aren't you thinking too much? Making an appointment with you? We aren't so free! The midseason is about to start. Even if the coaching staff wants to arrange a training match for us, it must be against other professional teams."

Jing Yuanzhou didn't agree. "The strength of a professional team is naturally higher but does this type of training match have any significance? In order not to expose it, new tactics and routines can't be tried out. No matter how intense the game, none of the things you want to test can be tested. It's just acting on both sides and it depends on who has better acting skills."

His words were straightforward and also true.

Luni was choked up for a while and found he couldn't refute it. After a moment of silence, he cleared his voice. "That... a training match isn't impossible to consider. In fact, it is for the sake of your face. I can give you an opportunity if you want it. In short... well, let's see later! I was just asking casually. I called you today for something else."

Jing Yuanzhou wondered, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know that the program plans to record two episodes directly this time? There is no way. Our team will start training soon and we can only ask the program to compress the recording time as much as possible," Luni said. "The second episode will be recorded tomorrow afternoon. At that time, the first round of elimination will occur. Then the day after tomorrow, the third episode will be recorded."

At this point, he laughed pointedly. "Didn't you tell me last time that you wanted me to beat you up on the show? Now the opportunity is here. Do you want me to fulfill your wish?"

Jing Yuanzhou had just made coffee and came out of the tea room when he heard these words. His footsteps didn't stop. "No need."

Luni sounded a bit regretful. "You don't need it? You coaxed them so soon?"

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