Chapter 192: Extra Five

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A parallel time and space.

The WP Club's base.

The training room on the second floor was silent with only the crisp sound of tapping on the keyboard and clicking on the mouse. In this atmosphere where they seemed to be training seriously, in fact, all the attention of the official players was in the reception room downstairs.

Their teammates had retired so their shooter and side-lane positions were empty. The previously trained second team members weren't enough to replace the previous players. The management discussed it and suddenly released the news that they had signed two newcomers from outside.

Today was the first day when the new team members were coming to the base to report.

The door of the reception room was wide open. Looking from a distance, two figures could be seen on the sofa. Since it was their first time meeting, they maintained a sufficient safe distance.

Today wasn't the first time Lin Yan had been in contact with the WP Club. As early as the youth training camp, the captain of WP, Zhang Anning had contacted him more than once. His multiple contacts made him have a good impression of the captain.

The interesting thing was that in the youth training camp, Lin Yan had played as a jungler. He didn't expect that in the end, Zhang Anning told him that he wanted Lin Yan to play the shooter position in WP. Such an invitation did seem a bit absurd but after thinking about it, Lin Yan finally agreed to it.

So on the reporting day, he arrived at the WP base as previously agreed. At the same time, he saw the new player who was reporting on the same day as him.

The young man sitting on the other side of the sofa was well-dressed and had a modest and dignified demeanor. However, if one looked variously, it wasn't hard to find faint resistance and vigilance.

The two people briefly greeted each other before falling silent.

Lin Yan secretly observed the other person before opening his mouth first. "Your ID is Titans, right? I heard Captain Zhang say you are strong. Why didn't you consider joining the youth training camp before?"

Jing Yuanzhou took a sip from his water glass and replied, "I was going to report but WP contacted me so I didn't go."

He paused and glanced at Lin Yan. "What was your ranking in the camp?"

"I've only been there for less than a year. There is going to be a ranking competition soon but I won't have time to participate after signing the contract today." Lin Yan thought about it and wasn't polite at all. "However, if I am still there, I should be number one."

Jing Yuanzhou smiled. "That's great."

Lin Yan raised his eyebrow. "Hey, what do you mean by this expression? If you don't believe me, do you want to try a few rounds later?"

Jing Yuanzhou picked up the cup and took another sip. "I don't believe it."

The corners of Lin Yan's mouth lowered even more. He was wondering if he should find a chance to teach a lesson to this guy with a bad personality when he heard the sound of footsteps in the distance.

He looked up and happened to see Zhang Anning entering with the club manager, Yan Hongbo. The words in Lin Yan's mouth naturally changed. "Captain Zhang, you're early? Did you come to send the contract to me?"

Zhang Anning had heard the bickering between the two people from outside the reception room. He glanced at Jing Yuanzhou and said, "After all, you are the people I picked up. I still have to take care of you. I wanted to introduce you to each other but now it seems like you've had a good chat. This saves me a lot of effort."

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