Chapter 148

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The game continued. Putting aside the side-laner's tragic situation of being crushed to death by Jing Yuanzhou in the top lane, the development of the various lanes in the early stage was actually fairly stable. Yet the moment it passed 20 minutes, Jian Ye who was protecting the shooter suddenly left the bottom lane and started to wander away.

After all, Gu Luo hadn't taken a hero with showy operations in this game. He was a group battle mage with no displacement skills. In the early stages, he took advantage of when Chen Yushen came to gank to press forward. Most of the time, he shrank under his own defense tower due to the frequent visits of Three's jungler or he occasionally cleared the line of soldiers quickly and went to other lanes to support.

At this time, Jian Ye left the bottom lane and the first thing he did was to meet with Chen Yushen and come to the middle lane. Three's mid-laner didn't realize this. Gu Luo played a wave and forced this person in the direction of the river, causing him to fall into the ambush. The kill was completed and they strongly pushed forward.

The reaction of Three's jungler was swift and he came rushing from the side. He wanted to quickly clear a line of soldiers to protect the tower but was stunned by Gu Luo's tricky control skills and he forcibly took the damage from the other two people. In the end, he barely saved his life and had to evacuate in an embarrassed manner. Three's middle tower wasn't held at all.

Anyone who knew a bit about the game knew the importance of the middle tower for vision. Once lost, it meant that Three had completely fallen into a passive state. At the same time, the fourth solo kill was completed on the top lane. In the professional league, this was definitely an amazing number.

In fact, in the process of laning, Three's side-laner had shown absolute caution. He even gave up the opportunity to decrease the soldiers when necessary. Nevertheless, once Jing Yuanzhou's Philm launched an offensive then he had no chance of escaping at all. Even the defense tower didn't seem to be a threat. The first tower on the top lane was destroyed and now he was pressed under the second tower.

After Jing Yuanzhou killed the side-laner under the tower, a wave of soldiers arrived just in time. However, he wasn't anxious to push to the second tower. He instead went into the upper half of Three's jungler with his small amount of health.

Three's jungler had just escaped from the middle lane and was greedy to kill a jungle mob before returning to the city. He didn't expect that the moment he took an extra look in this jungle, he would directly receive a sword to the throat.

[Double kill!]

In the third game, GH finally started to enter its own rhythm.

"I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult for Three. Titans's rhythm in this game is really too strong. If he keeps developing like this, it is really hard to imagine anyone who can stop him!" The official commentator on the stage couldn't help looking at the lower half of the map with a subtle tone. "Under normal circumstances, Three's ace combination should start to take some action. What is going on now? Does it have something to do with the situation of Wuhoo's left hand?"

Fans of Three knew that their team would always make some type of move after Wuhoo's basic equipment took shape. Meanwhile, the game was gradually entering the late stage but there was still no action.

They heard the commentator's words and couldn't help feeling worried. Fans frequently glanced toward Three's zone. Occasionally, the camera would cut to that area and it could be seen that the Three players had grim expressions on their faces. It made the audience even more uneasy.

At this moment, there was silence in Three's voice channel. Aside from the necessary simple communication, all that was heard was the sound of keyboard tapping and vague breathing. It was a rare situation where Wuhoo didn't have any expression on his face.

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