Chapter 178

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The BP session started and the audience was quiet as they watched the hero portraits scrolling quickly on the screen.

The most important consideration for tactical layout was the coaching team on both sides. Out of the two teams that entered the finals today, there was no need to talk about GH. Lin Yan's tactics had long been recognized along the way. For KING, they had Song Cheng and his on-site adjustments had always been the best in South Korea. Now the two of them were meeting on such an occasion and the followers of both parties naturally had special expectations.

However, once the lineup of the first game was completely locked, everyone was stunned due to the conventional system arrangement.

"That... as everyone knows, every time Coach Lin takes out a normal system, he should be holding back a big move. If I remember correctly, KING took out a similar lineup arrangement in the first game of the semi-finals. It is really meaningful." In order to better mobilize the atmosphere, the official commentators for the finals included Brother Rabbit Hat, who knew GH relatively well. Now he looked at the lineup distribution on the big screen and tried to sort out his language. "Putting this aside and judging from the lineup alone, both sides are playing quite conservatively in today's finals. GH took a conventional lineup in the World Competition while KING's tactical system is commonly used in their team. Next, let's see what type of sparks can be produced during the collision."

Commentator Cry Cry glanced at the stage. "The coaches of both teams have finished the BP and are shaking hands. From this distance, I can still smell the gunpowder!"

The handshake of the head coaches had always been routine on the field. It was usually just a few polite sentences so it usually didn't attract much attention.

Yet today, KING's coach Song Cheng was too connected to the Chinese division and the current captain of the GH team was none other than Jing Yuanzhou so it made the finals full of a subtle feeling from start to finish.

Lin Yan usually didn't say much when shaking hands with rival coaches but once he saw Song Cheng, he couldn't help raising his eyebrow slightly. He seemed very polite as he reached out his hand but his smile obviously wasn't very kind. "Coach Song, your tactics are arranged carefully."

Song Cheng looked at him politely. "You are even more cautious."

The playful expression in Lin Yan's eyes grew stronger. "It isn't necessary to say this. After all, it was your previous tactic. I'm just making good use of it."

Song Cheng had seen the clues but he never thought Lin Yan would be so direct. The corners of his lips lowered slightly. "Since it is a routine we have used, doesn't it feel too lacking in new ideas?"

"Not at all. It doesn't matter if it is new or not. After all, tactics are things that are necessary as long as they are suitable." Lin Yan lazily raised his eyelashes. "In any case, I have already laid out this path. Coach Song, you should've noticed it a long time ago. I just don't know if you're going to take this old path or not."

The last question caused Song Cheng's expression to subtly change for a moment. Yes, it was an old-fashioned tactical strategy but this didn't affect the feasibility of it at all. Whether to pick it up or not was a paradox in itself.

Song Cheng didn't answer directly but Lin Yan got the desired answer from that moment of hesitation. He snorted disapprovingly and didn't give Song Cheng an extra look as he withdrew his hand and walked off the stage.

It was just like the first game between KING and PAY previously. The more regular the lineup, the easier it was to test the opponent. It was the first time such a regular lineup was put out. Lin Yan used this method to directly tell KING his intention in this game without hiding or avoiding it.

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