Chapter 163

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During the break, the GH team returned to the lounge. Lin Yan stood in front of the water dispenser for a long time. He was just about to reach his hand out when someone grabbed the water cup one step ahead of him.

Jing Yuanzhou's voice was heard from the side. "I'm coming."

Lin Yan paused but didn't refuse. He just looked down and watched Jing Yuanzhou steadily fill a glass of water. He was about to pick it up when he was stopped.

Jing Yuanzhou glanced at Lin Yan with a smile in his eyes and lowered his voice. "Should I help you?"

At this time, the camera crew and other staff had stopped outside the lounge. The other team members were resting on their own and not caring about the presence of outsiders.

Lin Yan's heart jumped slightly at this glance and he couldn't help smiling. "Okay."

"Captain, Coach, I just contacted Brother Trash Talk. He said..." Gu Luo returned to see such a scene and his later words were choked up in his words.

Lin Yan took a sip from the cup in Jing Yuanzhou's hand and looked up. "Hmm? What is it?"

Gu Luo's throat moved twice before he finally found his voice. He shielded himself from the scene as much as possible. "He said that things are almost done. However, there's a traffic jam on the road. I estimate that it will take him half an hour to get to the stadium."

Jian Ye was following Gu Luo and at this time, he retracted his gaze from the two people. He cleared his throat and helped change the topic. "However, it doesn't matter. The coach is here. I told Brother Trash Talk and the others not to rush back."

Gu Luo laughed. "Yes, we can just steadily play Win."

Jing Yuanzhou suddenly opened his mouth. "Have them hurry up."

Gu Luo was startled. "Eh?"

Jing Yuanzhou reached out. He handed the cup to Lin Yan and fed him another mouthful. Then he repeated, "Have BB come back quickly before the end of the next game."

Gu Luo could understand the words but he couldn't completely understand them. "Why? Don't listen to Brother Trash Talk crying about his unemployment crisis. He is just talking casually. In fact, you don't need to take it to heart."

"It has nothing to do with his unemployment." Jing Yuanzhou was silent for a moment as his gaze swept over Lin Yan's body. "In any case, just have him come back quickly. I have my reasons."

Compared with the confused members, Lin Yan knew what Jing Yuanzhou was worried about. His gaze fell on his own fingers and he easily picked up the conversation. "Just relay the message directly to BB."

The two of them talked like this and made Gu Luo even more confused. Even so, he didn't ask anything else. He replied positively and turned around to send a voice message to Bi Yaohua. "Hello, Brother Trash Talk, are you still here? The coach and captain told you to come back quickly. You should hurry up..."

Jing Yuanzhou took back his gaze and squeezed Lin Yan's fingers thoughtfully while the others weren't looking. It might be cold but the shaking wasn't too strong. He didn't seem quite at ease and gently stroked them twice.

Lin Yan couldn't help laughing at Jing Yuanzhou's movements. Then he spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear. "See, I'm not trying to be brave."

Jing Yuanzhou smiled helplessly at Lin Yan and could finally only sigh. "This is the last game."

Collective honor might be important but there were some risks he still couldn't afford.

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