Chapter 162

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In fact, it wasn't just the live audience. Even the GH players were stunned when they saw the group annihilation announcement on the screen. Then they heard Jing Yuanzhou's voice from their headphones. "You played well."

Lin Yan's voice followed. "It was Captain Jing who finished it well."

The fierce confrontation had just ended but he acted as if nothing had happened. He was already quick to kill the wave of soldiers that just arrived at the lane. Then he entered the grass next to him and started to return to the city.

At the casual conversation, the players who felt their blood boiling suddenly felt it quiet down again.

Fuck, they were just thinking that with the coach's strength, he could play one against two. They ignored another very important thing. Originally, it was fine occasionally eating dog food in private. Now if the two people were meeting on the field like this, wouldn't the other players die on the spot?

Jian Ye couldn't help his slightly sour tone. "Captain, you should do things like mutually praising each other in private. It isn't good to put it on the table like this."

Gu Luo was indeed stung but his thoughts were still on the group destruction just now. "However, this is the first time in the history of the World Competition that there has been a play like this five minutes into the game."

Chen Yushen agreed. "It should be."

Lin Yan returned to the city to buy a few more pieces of equipment. Then he went back to the lane without saying a word.

On the top lane, Jing Yuanzhou finished clearing the soldiers and already started to invade Win's upper jungle area. At this time, he gave a serious reminder. "This is the knock-out round. Talk extra words after finishing."

In the past when they played well on the field, everyone would often joke around and adjust the atmosphere. Jing Yuanzhou had never given them a warning like this.

The team members were confused but they heard the captain's serious tone and replied, "Got it!"

Compared to the warm atmosphere on GH's side, Win's voice channel could be called terribly quiet. As they resurrected and returned to the lane, they seemed to be wondering how such a shameful thing could happen in the World Competition.

It was said that both the Chinese division and South Korean division had produced an invincible dark horse team at the same time. The newly formed teams rushed to the World Competition in one go, creating a joint legend that had never happened before in the history of e-sports.

Before today's match, the entire Internet had been looking forward to their strong face-off against GH.

Everyone wanted to see the two strong teams that represented the emerging strength of both regions have a fierce collision on the field. Now such collisions were indeed taking place. The result was that they underestimated the enemy too much, causing them to become a big joke at the beginning of the game. It was far from the idea that they wanted to step on GH.

Nilay had been training day and night since he was killed single-handedly by Jing Yuanzhou in the ranking match. As a result, the opponent completed a single kill just after the game started. His expression was completely gloomy. "I will try my best on the top lane to fight against the pressure. You guys look for more opportunities."

"Yes, I understand." The jungler End responded with a frown. "Car, be careful. GH's coach can definitely play a shooter. You can't underestimate the enemy."

Then he glanced at Jing Yuanzhou's current economic situation.

End knew that the jungle area in the upper half of the map was destined to be completely occupied and made a decision without hesitation. "We can't let it go GH's way. In the second half of the laning period, I'll live on the bottom lane and crush their shooter to death."

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