Chapter 142

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After realizing the essence of GH's lineup, everyone looked at Three full of sympathy. Under this lineup with its own teleportation system, it didn't matter if they were always paying attention to the movements of the GH players. They still couldn't know where these people would appear in the next moment. Perhaps one second they would be killing soldiers in the bottom lane. Then the next second, they would teleport directly to the upper half of the map. This was almost impossible to prevent.

Among them, the most troublesome thing was undoubtedly the big teleportation of the time guardian. It didn't matter if it was a disadvantageous situation. He just needed to pick the right time to move forward and all of the GH members would be in place in minutes.

The game progressed minute by minute and Chen Yushen's jungler's rhythm was surprisingly good. He seemed to know the actions of the opposite jungler. Several consecutive counters was enough to make the opponent complain incessantly.

Under such pressure, the game progressed to 20 minutes and Three's rhythm inevitably became chaotic. After pushing down one of Three's bottom towers, Jing Yuanzhou and Bi Yaohua changed lanes again and Jing Yuanzhou went back to the top lane. He had something in his heart today and he played more decisively than ever. In the blink of an eye, he killed the side-laner twice in succession and was unstoppable.

"Titans is playing so hard! Fans might've said before that Titans has finally recovered his own style of play in GH but I have the illusion that he is particularly fierce today. It feels like..." Commentator A paused as he tried to find an appropriate description. "It feels like he is in a hurry to finish the match and go home for dinner."

"After all, the opponent they are facing is Three so they probably want to avoid a long night." Commentator B smiled and glanced at the current economy of both sides. "But at this point... Wuhoo and Come should be almost there, right?"

Commentator A naturally knew what his partner was talking about and nodded. "Yes, they are almost there."

Wuhoo and Come could be defined as the ceiling of the bottom lane combination. It wasn't just due to their absolute tacit cooperation and superb operating skills. The most important key was that they had something completely different from ordinary bottom lane combinations. It was the ability to drive the entire game.

Everyone knew that the shooter was the absolute output C position in the team and the early performance was very critical for subsequent team battles. Therefore, most players in this position would focus on how to develop themselves actively.

For teams like Three who used the shooter as the core, almost all the junglers heroes were just tool people. In the early stages, he often gave up the resources of his jungler area to Wuhoo alone.

In terms of economic benefits, Wuhoo didn't seem different from other shooters. However, he enjoyed a lot of economic benefits like this and he and Come tended to expand their activity area to the extreme as much as possible.

At this point in the game, one tower on both sides had been destroyed. Combined with GH's unprecedented erratic rhythm, Three's ace combination finally started to roam around as well.

Chen Yushen was raising his economy in the jungle. He was about to take the elemental mob and go to the middle lane to gank when without warning, Come's figure appeared in his vision. His heart jumped and he wanted to retreat, but he was already slowed down.

Wuhoo had the bonus of a red buff on his body and his arrows shot again and again into Chen Yushen's body. His precise positioning avoided the two skills that tried to counterattack. Then he used flash and once again narrowed the distance between the two. In this way, a head was taken away without mercy.

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