Chapter 37

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Early the next morning, the GH team collectively went downstairs to the hotel lobby and took the business car back to the base.

After lunch, Lin Yan didn't give them extra time to rest and gathered everyone in the meeting room. He knew very well that such things needed to be carried out eagerly before all the details were forgotten. Due to the recording of the show, it had been delayed for several days. If it continued to be delayed then he was afraid that the training would be cold.

Now he would take advantage of the fact that the live broadcast hadn't begun to hurry up and give the key points. There was too much content to review so Lin Yan didn't talk nonsense. He went straight to the subject very decisively and opened the first video material.

This was the video recorded during the training match between them and BK and it also exposed the most problems. It could be seen that all the advantages in the early stage fell short in the team battles. Obviously, there were great problems with coordination in team battles.

The entire meeting room was quiet and only Lin Yan's voice clearly entered the ears of the team members. From Gu Luo's mid-laner to Jian Ye's support, Chen Yushen's jungler, Bi Yaohua's shooter and even Jing Yuanzhou's slight mistake in the laning process... he listed them one by one without any mistakes.

Apart from Gu Luo, the players had been in the youth training camp or previous teams so they had experience with replays. There had just never been a coach's reply as detailed as Lin Yan's. It felt like he couldn't wait to enlarge every second of the operation details.

The game was originally less than half an hour but two hours already passed before they knew it. This was just the time it took to explain a game. Just seeing Lin Yan analyze everything so clearly, it was obvious that he had watched this video more than 10 times in public. The time and energy spent behind the seemingly simple replay could be imagined.

Seeing that Lin Yan didn't stop and was about to open the video of the second game, Jing Yuanzhou handed over a bottle of water with a calm expression. "Moisten your throat first?"

"Thank you." Lin Yan grabbed it, took a few mouthfuls and glanced at the others. He slightly changed his harsh tone. "There are indeed many problems found in the replay but we are a new team after all. These things are all understandable. So you don't have to pay too much attention to it. If you have any problems then you can start to correct them. I will supplement some training content in a targeted manner to prevent it next time. Do you understand?"

The team members responded, "We know."

They all saw the effort the coach put into the team and naturally remembered it in their hearts.

Lin Yan nodded with satisfaction. "Everyone should've noticed that the situation of our team is different from other teams. In fact, I know it is difficult to perfect one core system while you still have many core systems to practice in. It is very hard but everything depends on one premise. I am certain that each of you has the strength to become the core of the team and I believe you won't fail to live up to my expectations. Don't you think so?"

Such words were so loud and bold that people were stunned.

The players in the meeting room instinctively straightened their backs. "We must live up to the coach's hopes!"

Then Bi Yaohua couldn't help exclaiming, "Coach, I don't mean to go against you but the more I listen, the more I feel like this is a MLM tactic."

It had to be said that the Trash Talk King was really good at destroying the atmosphere. There was a burst of laughter and the excited atmosphere just created suddenly disappeared.

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