Chapter 47

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Due to GH's extraordinary performance, the second match between IBB and KON felt dull to the audience. In the end, it wasn't surprising that IBB became the second team to compete for the championship. For this reason, there was inevitably a wave of comments on the barrage as people started to speculate about the winners of the finals.

[GH has already played IBB. What is there to guess? GH must be the dark horse!]

[Are the fans of the go home team so optimistic? Can a win in an entertainment match count as a win? IBB has the shooter system. In that game, the coach replaced the player and the shooter didn't play!]

[I agree with this point. IBB without a shooter has no soul.]

[I'm laughing to death. It is like you can definitely win if you put back your team's soul.]

[The strength of IBB and QU are half equal. It makes sense that they can't enter the professional league every year.]

[I will also bet on the Go Home team. After all, it is a 3:0 crushing. If they can send QU home then they can definitely send IBB home.]

[GH fans shouldn't be too arrogant. Be careful when your face cracks.]

[Oh, a small team is a small team. It can become arrogant like this after winning a match. A dark horse? Take a break!]

The supporters of both sides were arguing online but no matter what, the final elimination round had officially ended.

They returned to the base on the business car. Lin Yan sat in the back row. His slender legs were crossed loosely in front of him and he was lowering his head to play with his phone.

Since the program was in the form of a live broadcast, the staff also worked very hard. It was estimated that they were rushing to work backstage while the program was being broadcasted. Just after it was over, many video highlights had been released.

Since GH's three games were really beautiful today, many relevant clips were updated one after another. In the blink of an eye, there were more than 20 posts on the official Weibo page of the program.

Lin Yan didn't know how the eliminated QU team felt. He just knew that he was distressed for them. Still, GH couldn't be blamed for their ruthlessness. Blame the program's poor schedule that didn't leave QU a chance to enter the finals.

Lin Yan thought of QU and couldn't help sighing in sympathy. He inadvertently looked down and paused slightly when he saw the official video just released. At first glance, it was obviously him and Jing Yuanzhou hugging and celebrating after the match. It was accompanied by a line of words: The very touching emotions of the team.

Lin Yan, "......"

He was silent for a moment before opening the video. His phone was currently in silent mode and there was no external sound, but it wasn't difficult to feel the overly warm atmosphere at the scene from the silhouettes surging in the background.

Lin Yan slightly raised his eyebrow. The venue was originally so lively when he hugged Jing Yuanzhou? Why hadn't he noticed it?

The video wasn't long. It lasted less than a minute. After watching it, Lin Yan's fingers paused for a while before he finally clicked to bookmark it. After closing the video, he looked at the content in the comments area below.

[Forget everything else, the relationship between the players and coach within GH is really good.]

[Can it be bad? Have you ever seen someone else on Titans' live broadcast? In BK, he basically lined up alone!]

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