Chapter 67

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The GH team's training room.

The excessive noise caused even the people wearing soundproof headphones to be alarmed. They looked up and saw Lin Yan stumbling over a headphone cable due to his sudden backward movement. He instinctively reached out and grabbed. As a result, he grabbed the mouse on the desktop and pulled the entire cable.

As his body lost its sense of balance, Lin Yan only felt the world spin. At the critical moment, Jing Yuanzhou's eyes and hands quickly supported him but in a situation where his heartbeat was already speeding up, such a distinct skin touch made the flames burn even fiercer. He had no time to think at all. By the time he returned to his senses, he had pulled his arm away from Jing Yuanzhou's hand like he received an electric shock.

In the chaos, in full view of everyone, he directly hit the armrest of the gaming chair. Bang! There was a loud sound and his forehead turned visibly red.

The members of GH, "......"

The entire process was thrilling with ups and downs. They didn't know what type of world-class action blockbuster was playing just now. Lin Yan's body was still tangled up with a few wires. The soundproof headphones that were torn off were hanging at his feet and looked somewhat funny.

He lowered his head and didn't look at Jing Yuanzhou. In a hurry, he finally extricated himself and rubbed his forehead. "You go on, don't worry about me. I'll go... find a band-aid."

Then he ignored some of the subtle gazes in the training room and turned away without looking back. There was silence as his figure disappeared around the corner.

Jing Yuanzhou was still maintaining the posture of reaching out to help. He glanced at his palm that was completely empty and then toward the door, complex emotions in his face. The sudden ambiguity the moment their eyes had met was hard to ignore. Some answers vaguely seemed ready.

If Jing Yuanzhou wasn't completely sure previously, he could finally be sure at this time that Lin Yan obviously had feelings for him. Many small details and careful thoughts couldn't be hidden under certain circumstances. Such a discovery was exactly what Jing Yuanzhou wanted the most. He should've been delighted but Lin Yan's response to it just now made him unable to smile.

He didn't know the reason but it was obvious that Lin Yan himself seemed to be deliberately avoiding this tempting mood.

Love between the same sex might've gradually become recognized in this society but for professional players who were in the public eye, coming out would inevitably cause a lot of trouble. Jing Yuanzhou didn't know exactly what Lin Yan was thinking now but it would be better to deal with it if he was just worried about a public image problem in the future. He was afraid that this man was worried about other issues that had no place to go.

A person who was usually so casual and spontaneous was too sensible. Sometimes this made the struggle worse. Still, thinking about it, wasn't he at least qualified to struggle now?

Jing Yuanzhou didn't expect that he would actually have such troubles one day.

Just then, Bi Yaohua turned off the sound of his headset and moved slightly closer to Jing Yuanzhou. Then in a voice only the two of them could hear, he asked cautiously, "Captain, you... did you have a fight with the coach?"

"No." Jing Yuanzhou didn't have much of an expression on his face when he answered. After a moment of silence, he slightly frowned. "However, I really need to find a way to coax him."

He spoke very softly like he was answering the previous question, but it was more like speaking to himself.

Bi Yaohua's brain circuit obviously wasn't online and he murmured, "You really quarreled..."

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