Chapter 191: Extra Four

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The recording scene of the second season of Burning Hot Assembly.

The staff were coming and going.

The champions of the first season, GH, had reached the top of the World Competition so this online e-sports show no longer had the original mockery. Instead, there was an expectant attitude shown toward all participating teams in the new season.

Perhaps it was to create a gimmick but in addition to the secondary league teams like the previous season, a brand new team that no one had heard of emerged out of thin air. This sudden appearance made it difficult not to think of the GH team who appeared at the beginning and was criticized.

As the special guest of this season's first episode, Lin Yan sat in the lounge in front of the makeup mirror, raising an eyebrow as he watched the makeup artist fiddle with his hair. Next to him, Jing Yuanzhou had finished his makeup and was sitting on the sofa playing with his phone.

Lin Yan glanced at the man behind him through the makeup mirror and deliberately lengthened his tone a bit. "That... is there any water?"

Before the staff could respond, Jing Yuanzhou knew who this sentence was for and laughed. He looked up at someone's back before picking up the paper cup next to the dressing table. Then he went to the water dispenser, filled it and gave it to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan was in a good mood as he drank it. Then he suddenly remembered something. "Right, did you see everything the director delivered? The data I collect every day is large enough and I really don't want to look at information any longer. Please remember it a bit more and cue me when it is a process that needs to be met."

"I didn't read it." Jing Yuanzhou was very calm. "There is no need to look at it. In any case, it's just a variety show process. If we need to do something then just deal with it."

Lin Yan thought about it and nodded. "That makes sense."

The conversation between the two of them fell into the ears of the makeup artist and the hairspray in his hand shook slightly. How to say it... as expected of senior guests from the first season of the show. Just the words 'deal with it' sounded quiet, cough, majestic!

Soon, the internal and external preparations were all completed. The audience entered and the entire venue was buzzing.

The staff guided them and Lin Yan and Jing Yuanzhou came backstage. In the distance, they could see a few familiar secondary league teams waiting there. There were many old faces. Lin Yan didn't hold back and greeted them very warmly.

On the stage in front, the host gave introductions and the teams participating in the show entered one after another, causing a burst of screams from the fans in the audience.

Lin Yan watched from backstage and inevitably felt some emotions. "Yes, remember when we first participated in the recording? The fans of those teams were so enthusiastic that the brats were envious!"

Jing Yuanzhou looked at him and spoke very cooperatively. "Then?"

Lin Yan laughed. "Of course... all the teams were beaten by us. In the end, it was our GH team who had the last laugh at the World Competition!"

Jing Yuanzhou glimpsed the staff member coming, cleared his throat and gave a reminder. "Pay attention to your image."

Lin Yan saw the people coming to remind them to play and immediately controlled the arc of his mouth.

The front was already hot. All the participating teams had been introduced and the audience's attention was completely focused on their expectations for the special guests.

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