Chapter 78

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After Jing Yuanzhou left with the staff member, Lin Yan glanced at the time. "I'll go to the bathroom."

It wasn't until the door of the lounge closed again that Jian Ye couldn't help quietly pulling his teammates aside and whispering, "Don't you think... the atmosphere between our coach and captain seems a bit wrong?"

Chen Yushen frowned deeply. "It is a little bit?"

Jian Ye had actually vaguely felt it before but didn't think much of it. Now that he had obtained agreement, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he felt. "It is really a problem! Previously, they kept playing together and they also secretly ran out for a late night snack without us, right?"

Gu Luo listened by the side, his mouth twitching. He looked like he wanted to talk but was hesitating.

Bi Yaohua didn't want to pay attention to this fool but he couldn't help glancing at Jian Ye speechlessly. "Did you just find out now?"

Jian Ye shook in place. "You already knew?!"

Gu Luo finally couldn't help murmuring softly, "In fact... it has been a long time."

Chen Yushen was a bit confused at first before pausing. He recalled something and a strange look finally flashed in his eyes.

Jian Ye looked at Gu Luo and Bi Yaohua. Then he stared deeply at the closed door and rubbed his temples hard. "Don't speak, I have to slow down."

Bi Yaohua smiled but considerately covered his mouth to not make a sound. The others stayed silent to let Jian Ye digest it by himself.

Lin Yan came back and encountered such an overly quiet atmosphere in the lounge. He couldn't help glancing around in amazement. "What's the matter with all of you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Bi Yaohua endured his desire to laugh. "No, Gun Gun realized something just now and needs to savor it in his heart."

Lin Yan turned to Jian Ye. "What understanding? Wait until after the match is over. Don't be too distracted at this time."

Jian Ye caught a glimpse of Bi Yaohua smiling in his chair and secretly gritted his teeth. "I know, Coach."

Lin Yan nodded, grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV screen in the lounge. "Okay, look at the screen."

In fact, the so-called opening ceremony was nothing more than the appearance of the representative players of all participating teams. It was a simple exchange of a few sentences. This was just a simple event but for fans of each team, it was already considered an absolute benefit.

The lights at the venue turned on, the entire venue was silent for a moment and then there was a wave of screams that almost directly overturned the roof. The lounge was so far away but the people inside could still hear the cheers.

Gu Luo covered his trembling heart and spoke emotionally, "So this is the scene of the autumn competition..."

Bi Yaohua laughed with disapproval. "What about this? Once it is time to reach the finals, you can feel real enthusiasm. The fans who came now are all fans of other teams. Once it is the day of the finals, at least half the stadium will be our supporters. It is really cool!"

His words were so logical that the others heard it and their hearts were full of excitement. The look in their eyes was incomparably eye-catching.

At the scene, the host had already started to introduce every big team and their representatives in turn. The players who could represent the team were basically the captains such as Jing Yuanzhou and Luni of LDF. Of course, it wasn't ruled out for several teams to arrange the core player of the team to appear on their behalf, such as PAY's AI and Three's Wuhoo.

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