Chapter 166

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It was completely different from the warm atmosphere outside. Separated by just a door, the atmosphere in GH's lounge was somewhat solemn. All the cameras were blocked outside. Lin Yan was half lying on the sofa and his hands were shaking badly. It was only with Jing Yuanzhou holding the cup next to him that he was finally able to moisturize his overly dry throat a little bit.

He had briefly explained his specific situation to the players after leaving the field. At this time, he met the eyes of the group and couldn't help clearing his throat. "Don't look at me like that. If people who don't know anything come in and see you like this, they would think I'd passed away"

It was obviously to liven up the atmosphere but in this environment, no one could laugh. It was a lot better than when he first left the field but at this time, Lin Yan's face was still too white. Looking at the still trembling fingers, it was really hard to imagine what type of perseverance was needed to allow him to complete the last wave of wonderful five kills without any mistakes.

After knowing the truth, the GH members thought about how they were so excited about the coach playing on the field and wanted to go back and slap themselves.

Sometimes in the face of such silent giving, the one who was protected would find it more difficult to accept. The coach concealed from them that he was taking such a big risk. This alone was enough to completely dispel the joy of winning two games in a row.

Gu Luo sniffed hard and it wasn't easy for him to control the tears at the corners of his eyes. He turned around and said in a stuffy voice, "I'm going to see where Brother Trash Talk is."

Lin Yan raised his head. He saw that Jian Ye turned his head to avoid Lin Yan's gaze and couldn't help being speechless. He wanted to say that he wasn't terminally ill but he really felt dizzy. He didn't have much energy to speak. He had to close his eyes and calm his mind.

The break time was very short. Bi Yaohua had previously said he could arrive in 30 minutes. Calculating the time, he should've almost arrived. However, problems caused by documents rarely happened after all. No one knew the specific process if the host needed them to prove the relevant certification. It wasn't certain when this set of procedures would be completed or if he could make it before the next game. In this case, Lin Yan felt he still needed to be prepared to play the third game.

Despite his dizzy mind, Lin Yan worked hard to raise his spirits so that he wouldn't be completely dragged down by this sinking state. In a trance, he suddenly felt his cold fingers being gently massaged.

Lin Yan lifted his heavy eyelids slightly and faced Jing Yuanzhou's gaze. Jing Yuanzhou saw that Lin Yan wasn't asleep and guessed the other person's thoughts. He said in a calm tone, "Even if BB is late, you can't play the next game."

Lin Yan instinctively frowned.

Jing Yuanzhou seemed to know what he wanted to say and continued, "Don't think about extra things. Your current state isn't suitable for the field."

There seemed to be no difference with his usual tone but it was clear that this man was trying hard to keep his emotions down to a state of utmost calm.

Lin Yan could hear the faint tightness at the end of his voice. There was something choking in his throat. Lin Yan knew Jing Yuanzhou's worries and didn't want this person to worry for his own sake. He was silent for a moment before still giving a reminder, "There is no precedent for four against five on the arena."

Jing Yuanzhou stared at him. "I am willing to set this precedent."

Lin Yan didn't know what to say for a while.

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