Chapter 181

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The score was tied and the fans of the Chinese division looked very excited. However, the GH players seemed to have encountered something urgent. The moment the game was over, they completely withdrew in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yan was almost carried to the lounge. He knew that everyone was caring about him but such behavior made him doubt if he had paraplegia. He was a bit dumbfounded. "It isn't that serious."

Jing Yuanzhou examined Lin Yan's state. Apart from a bit of sweat on the forehead, there was indeed no other reaction. He slightly put down his worry, poured a glass of water and handed it over. "Take a sip?"

Lin Yan took the cup of water to moisten his throat and placed it on the table next to him. "Seriously, I feel much better than last time. It feels like I can get used to the arena again after a few more times!"

He had just finished playing a game and he seemed to be in a good mood. He took off his team uniform and hung it on the back of the sofa. Then he glanced at Bi Yaohua and Chen Yushen and didn't forget to continue the arrangement. "In any case, I have done everything I can do. At the very least, the rhythm of your captain has been successfully mobilized. As long as this doesn't fall, it isn't easy for KING to continue to target him. As for the next two wins... it depends on your own performance."

Chen Yushen had just watched the entire game from off the field. The cooperation between Jing Yuanzhou and Lin Yan had entered his eyes and it was in sharp contrast to when he was on the field. At this moment, he was silent for a bit. Then judging from the look in his eyes, he seemed to have made a decision. "Coach, you and the captain have a better tacit understanding. If you can..."

Lin Yan guessed what Chen Yushen was thinking instantly and directly and unceremoniously interrupted the following words. "No."

Chen Yushen's mouth pressed together slightly.

"Haven't I already told you my situation? I have just played one round and you want me to play a second one? Last time, BB was absent and it was a last resort. If I do such a thing today, do you want my old life directly?" Lin Yan finished speaking in a tone of no negotiation and gave Chen Yushen a deep glance. "In addition, today is your home field. I am just the pathfinder to explore the way at most. Think clearly, is the World Competition so easy to get to? Other people can't make it to the finals. Now you are acting humble?"

"I'm not humble." Chen Yushen explained in a low voice. "I just think that if you can make the team better..."

Then he shut his mouth at Lin Yan's look.

"You standing on the field to win the game is the best choice for the team." Lin Yan could understand the psychological pressure on young players caused by this major event but he also knew that only those who had gone through this baptism of pressure could complete their formal transformation. He looked down at Chen Yushen and asked clearly, "Abyss, don't think about anything else. Just tell me, can you keep up with Titans's rhythm in the next game?"

The surroundings were quiet for a moment. Then Chen Yushen's deep and firm voice was heard. He didn't waver at all. "Yes."

"This is the genius jungler I like!" Lin Yan finally showed a smile. "I want this type of momentum or else it isn't in line with the culture of our GH. Abyss, there are some things you really have to learn from BB. Look at Brother Trash Talk. If I want to replace him then he is replaced. If I want him to play then he can play. He is full of endless cool confidence and will never be polite like you."

Bi Yaohua was listening to the two people from the side. Then the topic shifted to him and he complained. "Coach, it is wrong for you to say this. In fact, I really hope you can continue to play. If you aren't going to consider playing jungle, don't you think my shooter position is fragrant?"

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