Chapter 77

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Before the official start of the autumn season, the schedule was sent to the managers of various clubs. Luo Mo showed the schedule to the team members and they were inevitably stunned when they read it.

BB – Bi Yaohua: [Letting us play the opening curtain match with MEN on the day of the opening ceremony. Is this real?]

Gun – Jian Ye: [According to the past, shouldn't there be a strong confrontation arranged at the beginning?]

Titans – Jing Yuanzhou: [The league should be wanting to try something new.]

Abyss – Chen Yushen: [?]

Lin Breeder: [Can't you see this? We are a new team and the first one promoted from the variety show. How can the league's management not push us hard? The opening match is scheduled for us to give us a chance to prove ourselves.]

Lin Breeder: [So play well, you know? If you lose in the first match, be careful that the leaders of the league don't directly remove us from the autumn competition in annoyance.]

Gloy – Gu Luo: [Ah, is that so? If we lose then our qualifications will be removed? Really?]

Gun – Jian Ye: [Fake.]

Abyss – Chen Yushen: [......]

BB – Bi Yaohua: [How can you be so naive?]

Gloy – Gu Luo: [QAQ]

Abyss – Chen Yushen: [......Don't tease him.]]

Lin Breeder: [If you lose to MEN, I will remove you if the league doesn't do it. Do you hear me?]

After a pause, the entire screen of the group chat was filled with 'I heard.'

Lin Yan sent the last pressuring words and after confirming that he received the desired answer, he put away his phone in satisfaction. He turned around and couldn't help freezing when he met Jing Yuanzhou's gaze. "Are you looking for me?"

Jing Yuanzhou sat on the sofa in the lounge and said, "I was just thinking. Is Coach Lin usually so fierce in normal times?"

"This is fierce?" Lin Yan raised an eyebrow. "This is called being majestic."

"Yes, it is indeed very majestic." Jing Yuanzhou held back his smile. He wrote 'I heard' in the group chat with great ease and wittily changed the topic. "Then can I ask, would you like to play doubles with me?"

Lin Yan didn't think much of it. "I'll play."

It was nearing the opening of the autumn competition and all the training plans for the team had been placed on hold. This was to allow enough of an adjustment period for everyone before the competition to find their best condition.

They were idle in these two days so Lin Yan and Jing Yuanzhou continued to play doubles. During this period, they often pulled other people except for Bi Yaohua to line up as well, but they often stopped after a few games.

On the whole, Lin Yan estimated that the doubles game adaptive training was effective. At the very least, the discomfort when lining up as three was much better than before. As for restoring his state for a team battle of five, it was still far away and he didn't dare think about it. Just being able to occasionally feel the fun of lining up as three satisfied Lin Yan.

Once Lin Yan and Jing Yuanzhou came to the training room, they weren't surprised to find that the other seats weren't empty. The entire team was in the training room without any absences. All the training plans were over but it was clear that everyone was hoping to improve as much as possible before the official start of the autumn season.

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