Chapter 8

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His attitude made it seem that he wasn't surprised by Jing Yuanzhou's suggestion. Jing Yuanzhou watched Lin Yan and could only think of one possibility. "Have other clubs invited you?"

Lin Yan cocked his head to look at the other person. "Little brother, look at the mess I played just now. Besides you, who else would invite me?"

Jing Yuanzhou took out a cigarette, directly placed it in his mouth and didn't answer.

Was it messy? Indeed, for the entire afternoon, Lin Yan had played in a different position almost every game and seemed to be a pure hoodlum. However, someone who paid close attention would find that each hero's choice could always quietly make up for the biggest flaw in the team's lineup.

Every time Lin Yan entered the game, he took the place of filling in the missing position. He gave priority to his teammates to choose the heroes and was often the last one to make a choice. This meant that every time a hero was taken, a decision was made in a few seconds after determining the lineup of both sides.

After every game, it seemed like he never had the chance to get the MVP but thinking about it carefully, this teammate who seemed to have no sense of existence in the entire game would often make a quick decision in a crucial moment of the team battle to determine victory or defeat.

Even Jing Yuanzhou wouldn't have found this if he hadn't been constantly observing from Lin Yan's perspective. Still, even without looking at these details, just being able to maintain the unsuccessful existence in every round was already a scary thing to think about.

You know, players doing the ranking ladder often chose their best heroes. Lin Yan's ability to 'peacefully develop' with the opponent's players in any position while passively filling out this position proved that he had sufficient insight into the attributes of these heroes.

There were no more than 10 people in the Burning Hot League, including Jing Yuanzhou, who could do this. This was already a very surprising number.

Jing Yuanzhou was suddenly curious about Lin Yan's serious attitude. If he really chose the position he was best at and the most skilled hero, what would he be like?

He knew very well that Lin Yan wasn't short of money but how many people really entered the professional league purely for money? The willingness to spend so much money to establish a club was enough to show his yearning for the field of e-sports. On the premise of having sufficient strength, why didn't he become a professional player?

Lin Yan faced such a straightforward and explicit gaze. He originally wanted to flirt but ended up changing it to a low cough. "Don't look at me like that. I will feel sorry."

Jing Yuanzhou thought it was a bit novel. "There is actually a time when Chief Lin feels embarrassed?"

Lin Yan stared at this face for a while and smiled. "In the face of a man like Captain Jing, how many people can maintain absolute calm?"

"Then can you impulsively satisfy my curiosity?"

Lin Yan blinked. "In fact, it's nothing. I simply feel that it is better for me to be a coach behind the scenes than a professional player."

Jing Yuanzhou wondered, "You want to be the coach?"

He obviously hadn't expected Lin Yan to think so. You know, most coaches often made this choice because they weren't strong enough to meet professional standards or they were professional players about to retire.

"Why? Isn't it good to be a coach." Lin Yan's lips curved up lazily. "The glory on the stage is certainly attractive but there must always be someone standing behind it, isn't that right God Jing?"

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