Chapter 117

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At the end of the BP session, Lin Yan shook hands with the PAY coach and stepped down.

Commentator A said, "Okay, the match has now officially started. What type of wonderful performance will we see in the last match of the regular season? Let's wait and see!"

Commentator B added, "PAY is very determined. If there is no accident, AI is ready to fight for GH's jungle! As for GH's side.... eh? Looking at this situation, they're ready to give it up?"

From the big screen, they could see that GH's top, middle and bottom lanes basically went to clear the line of soldiers without hesitation. Even Jian Ye, the support had directly abandoned Chen Yushen and went to the middle route.

This made Chen Yushen look lonely and helpless. After seeing AI in his vision, he didn't hesitate to turn and head straight to the lower jungle.

[No, so cowardly right at the beginning of the game?]

[In the face of AI, GH has chosen to sacrifice the wild?]

[In theory... this is understandable.]

[No, the GH team came up with such a strange lineup. I thought they were going to do something big. So what is this?]

[How do you know there is no big action? The dark ghost hero is weak in the early stages and on the next lane, Angin needs to upgrade the big move, right? I don't think it is wrong to be cautious early on.]

[Come on, isn't it clear how PAY plays? GH is already like this in the early stages. Is it possible for AI to give opponents a chance to drag it to the later stages?]

[To be honest, I think that GH has gone a bit too far this time.]

[What is so strong? They lose every time they see a strong team. The Go Home team going home is really normal?!]

"AI got the blue. He should go back and first take the red buff on the top lane. Captain, be careful." There wasn't the passiveness that netizens imagined. Chen Yushen gave up half of the jungle but he didn't forget his position to his teammates. He casually cleaned up a circle of mobs and looked at the map silently for a few minutes. "Gloy, be prepared. I will go to you."

It was really deadly to let AI start with three buffs but this was just a guess about the route. He didn't know what choice AI would make between the top and bottom lanes but he was at least certain that AI would never choose to gank the middle lane when Gu Luo had long range skills to clear the soldiers and Jian Ye's healing. It was a chance as long as AI didn't come.

Everyone knew that the dark ghost Sangmu especially needed the early economy. Therefore, PAY's mid-laner really didn't think that Chen Yushen would come to the middle lane to gank after he lost half the jungle in the beginning.

PAY's mid-laner originally relied on the strong early skills to press Gu Luo and Jian Ye under the tower. Then he noticed the exclamation point about his head and he couldn't help his heart jumping.

However, it was too late to pull back at this point. Gu Luo had been ready for a long time and fixed him in place with a skill. PAY's mid-laner could only watch himself become a fixed target. After taking a set of damage, he had to use flash. He fled all the way back to the defense tower only to find that he had additional red flames on him.

PAY's mid-laner realized it and couldn't help letting out a low curse. "Fuck?"

In fact, during the opening just now, PAY's side had made complaints about Chen Yushen's strange summoner skills configuration. Then everything that happened just now was so dangerous that he had forgotten. GH's jungler took an unusual road. He actually didn't take flash. Instead, he directly brought an ignition!

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