Chapter 160

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In order to solve Bi Yaohua's documents problem, Luo Mo ran around outside for two days. In order to praise Luo Mo's enthusiasm and find a way out for himself, Lin Yan used the excuse of this merit to take back the previous salary deduction.

The other team members stayed in the training hall for training. They occasionally paid attention to the progress but they didn't look too worried. The reason was naturally because Lin Yan had reassured them in advance.

It was at this time that the players learned their coach had secretly gone to the league headquarters to complete the player registration before going abroad, just to avoid any situations occurring.

To be honest, who in the team hadn't been abused by Lin Yan? At this time, there was such a strong substitute with them. They were very sorry to Bi Yaohua but they were relaxed enough to let him run around outside. They also urged him to take the opportunity to settle the old grudges well.

It wasn't known where Roser ran but he knew how to hide very well. The South Korean police searched for two days and only found some traces on the day of the quarter-finals. At the same time, the result of the communication between the league and headquarters was formally released after several meetings and discussions. The requirements raised happened to be the relevant certificates provided by the police.

Therefore, the GH team divided into two groups. Luo Mo and Bi Yaohua went to the police station to follow up while the others got in the business car and headed to the stadium.

On the road, the players looked very excited. After all, today's opponent was Win. Compared with teams where there were no hatred and grudges, they were naturally more emotional.

The moment he got in the car, Lin Yan noticed that Jing Yuanzhou looked more serious than usual. During the time when the others weren't paying attention, Lin Yan secretly touched him with an elbow. "What's going on, Captain Jing? You don't have a smiling face today."

"I'm just thinking about things," Jing Yuanzhou replied. "I am thinking... how can I end today's match quickly?"

He might've been convinced by Lin Yan but now it was so close to the match. It was absolutely impossible for him to not worry about a PTSD outbreak. Lin Yan naturally knew that Jing Yuanzhou was worried about himself and deliberately relaxed his tone. "Why are you thinking so much? Perhaps BB will come back halfway through?"

"You also know that it's a perhaps." Jing Yuanzhou looked up. "I really want to be on the same stage as you but I don't want you to be affected by it."

"Okay, it's just a few games. You're making it seem like an execution ground." Lin Yan deliberately avoided the topic. He rubbed the blanket in his arms and leaned against Jing Yuanzhou's shoulder. "I'll close my eyes for a while. Call me when we get there."

Jing Yuanzhou didn't say much. "Yes."

It was the quarter-finals and there was the previous grudge with Win, so the number of people who came to the scene to cheer for them was obviously greater than ever. Luo Mo wasn't here so Lin Yan took everyone to register before the match.

Since the start of the competition, GH's performance was obvious to all and they had left a deep impression on foreign e-sports circles. Therefore, the staff member couldn't help looking up when he saw the list of today's players. He was obviously very surprised about why the head coach's name would appear on the list of players.

After completing the registration, Gu Luo couldn't help laughing. "Did you see the eyes of the staff member? I can imagine how the venue will react after the coach appears on the field."

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