Chapter 115

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Downstairs, the cooking aunt had prepared breakfast and set the table as usual. Of course, there were no mornings in e-sports so the usual breakfast was often saved for the evening and turned into a late night snack.

Seeing Lin Yan come downstairs, the cooking aunt was somewhat surprised by this rare guest and greeted him warmly, "Xiao Lin, the soy milk is still hot. Drink it while you can."

Lin Yan responded while pulling out his chair and sitting down at the table. He scooped out a bowl of soy milk and looked around to find that nothing else had shown signs of being touched.

Obviously, Jing Yuanzhou hadn't gone for his morning exercise as usual. Based on the situation last night, it was very likely he had gone to make up for his lack of sleep. Lin Yan knew how much effort it took to process those videos. He guessed that Jing Yuanzhou had probably stayed awake until 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning. Once he thought about this, the soy milk in his mouth seemed to have a different taste. It was a bit bitter but also a bit sweet.

Lin Yan had told him in advance yesterday so Chen Yushen was the one who had woken up the earliest. He went downstairs and was slightly stunned when he saw the figure sitting at the dining table. He hastily quickened his pace and took a deep-fried breadstick to eat.

After breakfast, the two people headed to the meeting room together. It was the familiar time to give special attention. Lin Yan took advantage of the time when the equipment was turning on to ask, "How was your practice last night?"

Chen Yushen thought about it before answering, "I tried it and I think this idea is feasible."

Lin Yan showed a satisfied smile. "It is fine as long as it is feasible. Today I can only give you AI's gank routes. The rest is up to yourself."

Chen Yushen agreed. "Yes..."

Lin Yan noticed the hesitation in Chen Yushen's expression and asked with a smile, "Is there something else you want to say?"

Chen Yushen was silent for a moment before opening his mouth. "Coach, you've played with AI. How big do you think the gap between us is?"

Lin Yan glanced at Chen Yushen and blurted out without thinking, "AI is very strong. He should be the top jungler I have ever come into contact with. Looking at the current situation, there is indeed still a big gap between you and him."

The answer wasn't unexpected and the color of his eyes deepened. Then he heard Lin Yan continue. "However, I'm just talking about now. No matter what height AI is at currently, he gradually accumulated it through playing games. You are missing these experiences. As long as you keep working hard, I believe you will be stronger than him in the near future!"

Chen Yushen raised his head and met eyes filled with a faint smile. He was slightly stunned and his heart seemed to be hit by something. Chen Yushen pressed his lips together tightly. "I will continue to work hard."

It was a very soft but unshakable sentence. He seemed to be responding to Lin Yan and talking to himself.

Lin Yan smiled. "Then let's get started."

By the time the two of them went through the data and information and came out of the meeting room, it was past lunchtime. The others had woken up one after another and the training room filled with people.

Chen Yushen didn't waste time. The moment he entered the door, he directly called out to Gu Luo to team up together as a pair. The center and jungle linkage was one of the keys to the next match. The whole room was filled with the tapping of a keyboard.

After Lin Yan entered, his first reaction was to look in the direction of the training room. He saw a familiar figure instantly. He paused for a moment before walking over.

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