Chapter 35

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There were four teams and a total of two matches. GH and IBB were scheduled to play second.

Lin Yan considered it twice and just in case, he took advantage of the time when the first two teams were going on stage to talk to the staff next to him. He said in advance that he might disappear after the match.

The director team's attitude toward him was quite polite.

After all, Lin Yan wasn't only GH's coach. He was also the owner of the GH Club and the sponsor of the variety show. The director's team might not know what he was doing later but they didn't ask anything specific. There was just a brief discussion and they said they would make the corresponding arrangements.

Everything was done properly. Lin Yan returned to the player seats and continued to watch the match on the field. The two teams currently playing were QU and KON. The coaches of the two teams had chosen to replace the support position.

After all, there was specialization in the industry. If the coach's operation wasn't as detailed as a serious player then using the support that was more focused on the overall situation was indeed the best choice.

It might only be an entertainment game but according to the previous performance of the staff, today's victory or defeat would have a high probability of affecting the grouping for the next elimination.

This BO3 was very tense. It wasn't until the third game that QU won against KON with a narrow margin of 2:1.

The host invited the players from the two teams to the centre of the field for the post-match interviews while the staff led the players of the other two teams to prepare for the match. Lin Yan sat down and familiarised himself with the keyboard. He picked up the headphones and placed it to his ear. After adjusting the volume briefly, he hung it back around his neck.

There was an unprecedented silence in GH's team voice chat. This situation made Gu Luo a bit uncomfortable. "I don't know why but I always feel there is a lack of competitive atmosphere today."

Jian Ye glanced at the dying Bi Yaohua next to him and couldn't help laughing. "That's because Brother Trash Talk has lost his soul."

Jing Yuanzhou tried out the microphone and was unmoved. "It's good to be quiet."

Bi Yaohua looked up and opened his mouth to say something. Then he glanced at Lin Yan who had an unknown expression and closed his mouth. Finally, he silently opened a document on the computer desktop and started typing. [End the afternoon match early, please.]

[I don't know what will happen to IBB after the game but BB will really be closed off.]

[Having said that, the coach on the other side isn't on the same level as our Brother Yan at first glance. It is hard to justify it if we don't crush them.]

[Today, I must fight with IBB to see who is the copycat.]

[Oh, I typed so many words. Can you react a little bit? Have you seen it?]

Jian Ye and Luo Mo were shoulder to shoulder and shaking with laughter.

Lin Yan also read the words and then looked at Bi Yaohua like he was a fool. "I just told you not to talk during the match. You don't have to shut your microphone before the match."

Bi Yaohua, "......"

He sighed for a long time and didn't bother with this problem anymore. He just felt that his soul had been released for a short time. "I was really suffocating to death! I'm telling you, I actually wanted to fight IBB for a long time. The origins can be traced back to a long time ago. I still remember when I was just a fledgling little streamer. From time to time, a wave of people would flood my live broadcast room and scold me severely. Initially, I didn't understand the reason. Later, I found out they were angry because IBB lost the match! Those broken people said that the team is called IBB and I named myself BB. If I wanted to steal some of IBB's attention then I have to bear with the aftermath. Listen, are these the words of a human?"

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