Chapter 68

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The restaurants with a good reputation were across the road outside the community. It was raining heavily outside as Luo Mo said. There were many puddles on the ground that caused a lot of water stains after stepping in them. Near the traffic lights, there was an endless stream of vehicles coming and going. They could see the lights in the distance under the dim sky.

Lin Yan and Jing Yuanzhou squeezed under an umbrella. In order to take care of him, Jing Yuanzhou obviously leaned the umbrella over to his side intentionally. Lin Yan looked sideways and could see that half of his shoulder was soon wet. Lin Yan took a glance and then withdrew his gaze. After a moment of silence, he started to stare at his toe.

Despite the patter of the rain, he could still hear the shallow breathing by his side. It was obviously light enough to be ignored but it was clear as if it were extremely close. His Adam's apple moved silently.

Lin Yan slowly closed his eyes and couldn't help scolding himself in his heart. He recently spent so much energy on team training just to warn himself not to be so greedy for this man. He didn't expect that a small detail like sharing an umbrella would cause him to want to relapse. The so-called male friend was just a source of disaster!

Due to the rainy day, there were actually empty seats in the originally crowded restaurant. Everyone entered a box and sat down. Lin Yan and Jing Yuanzhou were walking at the back. By the time they entered, there were only two adjacent positions left.

Lin Yan's gaze paused. He scanned back and forth several times before casually pulling out a chair and sitting down. It could be seen that the training for the past few days had really tormented everyone.

As the waiters started to serve the dishes one after another, every time a bowl was served, it was like a gust of wind blew and the bottom of the bowl was seen in an instant. If someone saw this, they would think that these people hadn't been allowed to eat for several days.

Jing Yuanzhou originally wasn't prepared to join the battlefield. Then he inadvertently turned back and found that the Lin Yan sitting next to him had been holding a glass of boiled water for a long time.

Once the next dish was placed on the table, he suddenly picked up his chopsticks and grabbed a few pieces of meat. Bi Yaohua watched all the meat being put into Lin Yan's bowl and smiled. "It's still hard to beat the captain when it comes to hand speed!"

Lin Yan was indeed hungry and he hadn't thought much of putting the pieces of meat that Jing Yuanzhou gave him into his mouth. Then he heard these words and choked. Once it was better, he stared at Bi Yaohua in an expressionless manner. "If you can't beat him, you can practice."

Bi Yaohua was silent in an instant. Perhaps he was really shocked by this sentence. The Trash Talk King was quieter than ever when eating.

After 30 minutes, everyone's fighting power was finally exhausted. Lin Yan started looking at Weibo once he had eaten enough. Not surprisingly, everyone in the circle was now discussing the match between PAY and Three that had just ended.

Three might've failed to continue their glory after the spring championship but the confrontation between the two teams was too intense. Therefore, even if they lost to the PAY team in the end, normal fans expressed their support for the Three team. Only the occasional sunspots were still jumping up and down.

As for PAY, there was nothing to say. In today's games, AI took the title of 'jungle area artificial intelligence' to the extreme. His gank success rate was as high as 78%. This not only refreshed the highest record in the league but he also achieved the record of three MVPs. He became the unquestionable best player in this match.

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