Chapter 183

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After winning the match point, Lin Yan greeted them and patted Chen Yushen on the shoulder. There was obviously nothing more that needed to be said at this time.

Their excitement was fully mobilized so the originally short rest period inevitably felt a bit longer. No one was talking in the lounge. Everyone had their eyes closed to rest. It wasn't until the staff knocked on the door to remind them to come to the stage that they stretched their wrists and stood up.

Lin Yan picked up the notebook next to him and followed behind the team slowly. The restless sounds from the venue crossed the distance and were heard in the safe passage. It echoed in the corridor for a long time, hitting their hearts again and again. In this long period of silence, Jian Ye couldn't help cursing and suddenly raised his voice. "Brothers, it is just one more game. Fuck them!"

The staff member who followed didn't understand Chinese and he looked up a bit blankly from the sudden move. Immediately after, the other people gritted their teeth. "Rest assured, we will definitely send them home!"

Two to one. The match had reached this point. There were two games remaining at most. However, if this game was won by KING and they were dragged to the final fifth game, the mental and physical exhaustion of the GH players would undoubtedly be pulled to the extreme.

Therefore, it was only by taking this point that they could completely avoid the long night. In any case, crush them!

In the midst of the public's attention, the BP process officially began. Lin Yan didn't go through his previous notes. Everything had been completely imprinted in his mind. His tone was calm. "First ban Griffin."

From the end of the last game to now, he had been allowing these players to self-regulate. He first finished the banning options before leisurely asking, "Do you want to guess how KING will do the bans?"

It was currently KING's turn to disable a hero. The countdown progressed and it could be seen that the opponent hadn't made a decision for a long time. The GH players were nervously preparing for the battle but once they heard Lin Yan's words, their attention was attracted.

Bi Yaohua had no clue. "Who cares about them. Let them ban who they like!"

Lin Yan smiled before explaining patiently, "The rhythm of KING has been almost completely disrupted in the last two games. In this game, they definitely want to stabilize the situation as much as possible. In order to prevent us from quickly attacking and making a mess of their formation, they are wary of all teleportation systems. The first one that needs to be banned should be the time guardian, Meng Lala."

He had just spoken when, as if to prove his words, a familiar portrait appeared in KING's banned list.

The GH members, "!!!"

Could this be guessed?

"We will ban Kang." Lin Yan didn't feel very surprised by the ending he had guessed. He finished the arrangement in seconds and glanced at the remaining two hero vacancies of KING as he continued his 'commentary' role. "Abyss's Ritana was too aggressive in the last game. Yan has a habit of using tool heroes and he can't allow himself to be restrained. If KING doesn't want to be torn apart again in the group battle, they can't help it."

At the same time, there was the chime of a chain falling. The assassination ghost Ritana. This dim portrait was officially locked under KING's banned list.

"They only have one spot left... the previous targeting of Titans proves that they are very cautious. They are even more reluctant to let go of him so this precious spot will still be given to the death wanderer." Lin Yan continued the arrangement without any hurry. "In this case, we need to ban Pelia."

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