Chapter 19

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Everyone felt it was a bit unbearable to listen to. Only Lin Yan clapped his hands carelessly. "Thank you, Brother Bi. It really helped save us a lot of publicity expenses. Do you see how moved Manager Luo looked?"

Luo Mo was very busy because of public relations matters. He suddenly heard such a sentence and his mouth twitched slightly. "Yes, the publicity effect is really... very amazing."

He was so moved that he was almost crying!

Bi Yaohua waved his hand very modestly. "Don't be too polite. We are all from the same club. In the future, Brother Bi's traffic is everyone's traffic. Resources should be shared."

Fuck this awesome resource sharing! Luo Mo leaned back on the sofa and endured the urge to beat someone up. He took a deep breath and had a headache as he reconfirmed the edited content. Then he sent it nervously. It was just a matter of suppressing the Trash Talk King's 'top traffic' with this one move!

GH's official Weibo was gaining popularity at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, under the attention of the public, they released their first post.

[@GH Club V:

Thank you, Titans for your trust in the club. You are worth the 35 million yuan transfer fee! #Fresh flowers #Fresh flowers


@BK Club V...]

Fuck, Titans' transfer fee was actually 35 million?! They knew about Titans' transfer but the specific amount hadn't been revealed. The moment this news came out, no one cared about Bi Yaohua anymore. The entire network exploded again. After all, before this, the highest record for a transfer fee was Luni's 28 million three years ago.

Now it had jumped up a level. GH was backed by the Lin Group. It was well-known to have abundant funds but they never expected it to have this much money! What was the concept of 35 million? It was enough to buy an independent club! If someone else's family was a big club then GH was undoubtedly a 'rich' club!

The original dissatisfaction of the old Titans fans disappeared in an instant. At this moment, they couldn't help crying silently. He might've reached the age of 23 and he might be destined for a short career but it was 35 million! Their Titans was always worth it!

Jing Yuanzhou saw the entry of #Titans 35 million# go on the hot search in minutes and he glanced at Lin Yan with a smile.

In fact, he had already guessed it previously. Xiao Lin was already ready to use the signing fee to make a fuss after Jing Yuanzhou was signed. Otherwise, how could the response speed of the various public media be so fast? The articles that popped up in an instant were obviously all prepared in advance. Such a transfer fee might seem like a sky-high price but in terms of the team's promotional effect alone, the 35 million was completely worth the money.

The transfer amount not only exploded the attention of ordinary netizens who paid attention to the field of e-sports, it also spread quickly among professional players. The top players appeared one after another to repost this Weibo and the scene was very spectacular.

In this situation where there was heated discussion across the entire network, the management of the BK Club saw the frequent forwarding notifications and almost fainted on the spot with their hands covering their chests.

This bandit club GH. Not only did it abduct their pillar player, it also dragged them down into the water for publicity. It was really making them deranged, deranged! At this time, every repost was like a knife stabbed in their chests. Medicine, medicine! Where was their quick-acting heart relief pill?

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