Chapter 62

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The PAY team's base.

DeMen sat upright at the computer table and spoke to AI in the team voice chat. "The opposite side is Titans."

His voice was calm and sophisticated. Although it was a reminder, it didn't disrupt the rhythm of the operation at hand. AI had just cleaned up the monsters in the lower half of the jungle. He heard these words and his hand on the mouse slightly paused. "Is he alone or lined up as a pair?"

"I don't know this." DeMen glanced at the heroes used by the other players and frowned. "I haven't been paying attention to GH and I can't see it."

AI hummed. "Isn't this good. You said that after BK changed their top laner, you felt that the match was lacking some interest. Now that you've met Titans in the game, take the opportunity to enjoy it."

Then he asked symbolically, "Do I need to stay away from the road and leave the space to you?"

DeMen didn't answer directly and instead marked the map with a sign. "Get ready to catch him."

AI wasn't surprised. "I'm coming."

It was well-known that PAY's top laner DeMen entered the league in the same year as Jing Yuanzhou. However, the two men's experiences were very different.

When Jing Yuanzhou was a newcomer who was criticized by the media for being too independent, DeMen had already perfectly integrated into the team and accompanied PAY to one victory after another. They were both new players so they would inevitably be compared.

Looking back now, how outstanding was Jing Yuanzhou's personal strength and how eye-catching was DeMen's team play?

However, Burning Hot was a team game after all. At that time, the entire circle was more optimistic about DeMen who was a team player. No one thought that after BK's defeat, Jing Yuanzhou would choose without hesitation to transform. Then he reached the top of the world in one fell swoop.

Against such an overly bright light, DeMen naturally appeared a lot bleaker. In fact, there was no shortage of people who felt that DeMen was born in the wrong era. If he had been staggered with Jing Yuanzhou for a year or two then his name wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation between silence and glory as it was now.

Currently, there were five phenomenal demon king players in the Burning Hot League: side lane player Titans, jungler AI, mid-laner Luni, shooter Wuhoo and support Come.

Originally, perhaps there should've been a place for DeMen.

Lin Yan already understood all the top players in depth from the moment he prepared to start the club and he naturally knew that the god-level side laner player of PAY was absolutely powerful. However, now it was a passerby game and his side lane player was Jing Yuanzhou.n The two of them had already fought countless times in the league and this was just adding one more to the sum.

He felt reassured about Titans facing DeMen. Currently, Lin Yan was more concerned about the opposite jungler, AI. This phenomenal-level jungler was the same as his ID and had the ability to absolutely co-ordinate the entire field. It was rumored that AI was as precise as an artificial intelligence, whether it was choosing the jungle route or ganking.

The live broadcast room was still discussing what he just said but Lin Yan didn't get distracted any longer. Instead, he recalled where AI last appeared and made a signal on the map. His tone was plain and flat. "The opposite side is ready to target you."

"Yes, I know."

Lin Yan told him, "Don't retreat and fight with them. I'll ambush back."

Jing Yuanzhou agreed. "Okay."

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