Chapter 127

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The interview ended and everyone returned to the lounge to adjust their states before heading to the stage under the leadership of the staff. Today's live commentary was still the pair of Brother Rabbit Hat and Cry Cry.

It was nearing the start of the match and the atmosphere of the scene had long been mobilized. There was a burst of cheers as the familiar figures were seen.

"Okay, the players of the two teams have finally arrived." Brother Rabbit Hat was obviously looking forward to today's match and there was excitement in his tone. "Today's match is between the two teams, PAY and GH. In other words, it is a competition between an old elite team and a new force in the league. The two teams already had a fierce collision during the regular season. There have been different voices on the Internet about the result of that BO1 game. I don't know if the BO3 in the semi-finals can give everyone a satisfactory answer!"

Commentator Cry Cry added, "Speaking of which, I still have a deep impression of GH's double stealth tactical system in the last duel between the two teams. It has to be admitted that GH's tactical system is definitely the most treacherous in the league at present. This was undoubtedly a big help to them during the regular season. I don't know what type of arrangements will be made in today's semi-finals against PAY. I am really looking forward to it."

"I'm also curious about this. After all, the double stealth lineup has been used once and PAY must be prepared for it. Facing AI, a god-level jungler comparable to artificial intelligence, I don't know what the jungler Abyss on the GH side will do... eh?" Brother Rabbit Hat's words suddenly stopped and his tone rose sharply. "This is... GH didn't arrange for Abyss to play?"

In fact, he didn't need to say this. The moment the camera of the big screen crossed over the players who had taken their seats, the audience following the match found the new face sitting in GH's jungler position

At the same time, his player ID showed up on the rear display: GH.PPA. This name was undoubtedly appearing for the first time in the professional league arena but it wasn't unfamiliar. During the earlier incident when the Korean players came to the national server, the new passerby king who signed to the GH Club had appeared on the official Weib's promotional post. It was full of momentum and it was hard for people to not know it.

There were many game screen recordings of the number one player in the national server, Labor and Capital. This absolutely brazen and arrogant style had made netizens curious about what type of person was behind this idea.

Among all the speculation, a large number of people thought that the person who could have such an ID should be an arrogant brother around 20 years old. As a result, he finally made an official appearance in public and turned out to be such a thin, fair-skinned teenager?

No matter what, he hadn't even reached the age of adulthood, right? This face also made people feel as if they had seen it somewhere before...

Driven by a strange feeling, everyone's eyes subconsciously moved to the other side of the screen. Finally, it stopped not far away on Jian Ye.

The venue was strangely quiet for a moment. They really wanted to ask the GH officials, 'What is the relationship between this new player and your team's support?'

The two positions that Jian Ning used most during the rankings was a shooter and jungler. Therefore, it wasn't too surprising that Jian Ning officially appeared today as a jungler. The thing that surprised people was that no matter how strong the passerby king was to reach the top of the national server, this was the professional league arena after all. He had no experience yet he was directly playing in the semi-finals. How big was GH's heart? They could even use the semi-finals to train a new player?

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