Chapter 129

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Judging by the distribution of the GH team's lineup, Jing Yuanzhou's side-laner was undoubtedly the core of the team. PAY was an old opponent of the BK team. Jing Yuanzhou might've switched to GH but PAY had long been familiar with the style of BK's former captain. They didn't panic too much after being forced to open a team battle and quickly stabilized their position in the shortest time.

However, Jing Yuanzhou didn't stay to hold them back as they expected. He ignored the other PAY players and headed straight to the mid-laner without any hesitation with a long sword in his hand.

This was a choice that Jing Yuanzhou had never made when he was in the BK team. As the core of the team battle, he should be thinking about the team's actions at all times, maximizing the value of this team battle as much as possible. Now he left such a large gap to the rear with confidence, leaving it completely to his teammates.

There were no words, just a lot of trust.

In the PAY team, a hint of consternation flashed in DeMen at Jing Yuanzhou's choice. However, before these emotions had time to surge, he quickly controlled his mind and devoted himself to this vital team battle.

The voice channel of the GH team was also in chaos at this time.

"Be careful, AI is going around." Jian Ye quickly reminded them, not forgetting to send a signal on the map. Then he added a handful of health before Jing Yuanzhou left the range of his skills while sticking tightly to Bi Yaohua's side. "Hit that one first, hit that one! I will handle the field of view. Brother Trash Talk, just keep up. You can kill him! Beautiful!"

Bi Yaohua first took away the head of PAY's support in the rear and followed behind Jian Ye to advance. "The shooter is on the side. Who will go?"

"I'm coming!" Jian Ning found a suitable angle to cut into the rear. He took away the shooter's life while taking a large wave of damage.

He saw the frightening drop in his health and flashed to avoid a fatal injury. Then he hurriedly withdrew. "Brother, give me some milk! I'm dying, give me a sip of milk!"

Jian Ye immediately headed to him but before he could take two steps, he heard Jian Ning's voice. "No, I'm dead. You guys go!"

AI had jumped out from behind him. Perhaps he noticed Jian Ye's attention in advance but he adjusted to a brand new path in a short period of time. This angle just happened to accurately block their paths of retreat.

Bi Yaohua saw that the situation wasn't right and immediately released all his output. In the blink of an eye, AI's health bar was reduced by a large margin.

Jing Yuanzhou's previous entry directly divided the battlefield in half. DeMen happened to be stuck on the other side and now he belatedly arrived. As this figure entered his eyes, DeMen didn't hesitate to throw out a ranged control skill. He didn't give the opponent any time to react and had already knocked Bi Yaohua and Jian Ye into the air.

Bi Yaohua lamented, "It's over!"

Before he finished speaking, AI took away the last bit of his health and scored a double skill. In this critical situation, Jian Ye was about to be killed when the shadow of a sword fell over him. Gu Luo's stabbing came in time. He used a set of deceleration skills and combined with Jian Ye's flash, Jian Ye escaped in a thrilling manner. Jian Ye added health to himself for the first time. Then he retreated into the grass and finally got some respite due to the lack of vision.

On the other side, Gu Luo was caught in the dangerous situation of being double teamed after saving Jian Ye. In the face of AI and DeMen, Gu Luo's operation had to be very detailed if he wanted to deal with both people.

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