Chapter 52

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The others woke up and found Bi Yaohua alone in the training room. The computer interface was still and no game was being played. It wasn't known what he was thinking.

Jian Ye poked his head into the training room and was somewhat astonished when he didn't see Jing Yuanzhou. "The captain isn't here? Did he go out for some reason?"

Bi Yaohua glanced at the time and couldn't help rubbing his temple from the excessive stimulation. "He should still be sleeping."

"Sleeping?" Gu Luo also looked over. As the little cutie who cared the most about Titans, he couldn't help asking, "Did he catch a cold after going out last night?"

They had been with the team for so long that everyone was aware of Jing Yuanzhou's work and rest habits. The fact that he wasn't awake yet was indeed a very abnormal phenomenon.

Bi Yaohua was asked this and felt more pain from his head. Even though he usually talked a lot, he didn't have the habit of exposing people's privacy. He might be puzzled about the matter of 'when did the coach and captain get together?' but he didn't say anything. He paused before replying, "He should be pure, ly, sleep, ing, alone in his room."

The others found it strange but didn't ask much. They went to their respective positions to turn on the computers.

Bi Yaohua noticed that Chen Yushen's face was darker than usual and investigated it. "Did you not sleep well yesterday?"

Chen Yushen replied, "It's okay but I have a bit of a headache."

Bi Yaohua recalled the scene last night and laughed. "It seems that the amount of alcohol you can drink is really bad. Next time, I won't pull you when I'm drinking."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Yushen stopped moving the mouse for a moment and looked up. "It's fine. I can practice."

Bi Yaohua was stunned for a moment. He looked over the computer screen at Chen Yushen's expression. Then he couldn't help laughing, his colorful hair shaking. "What is so good about practicing? It's better to practice your heroes. Want to line up as a pair?"


Soon, only the clicks of the mouse and the tapping of the keyboard were heard in the entire training room, mixed with some conversation from time to time. This was what Lin Yan saw when he pushed open the door.

He looked at the backs that seemed to be training hard and didn't say anything. He walked to the side with his notebook and sat down blankly. He didn't hurry to turn on his phone or light a cigarette in his mouth. He just sank into the soft sofa and stared into the distance.

He didn't drink much yesterday. Therefore, even though he was drunk, he didn't have much of a headache after waking up. The only problem was that he didn't remember much about the specifics, including how he came back last night.

After waking up, Lin Yan tried hard to remember and finally had a few fragmented scenes in his mind. Still, just linking these incomplete scenes together was tragic enough. Lin Yan couldn't help cursing in his heart and almost snapped the cigarette in his mouth.

He remembered that he forcibly grabbed Jing Yuanzhou in order to accompany him to sleep...

Lin Yan was silent for a moment before closing his eyes due to the pain from his head. Perhaps it was due to the sleeping posture he maintained last night but he felt like his whole body was twisted together. He cursed in his heart and couldn't help changing his sitting position.

Bi Yaohua had just come out of a rankings game. He looked back and happened to see Lin Yan massaging his waist with both hands. "......"

Sorry, he didn't want to imagine too much. The problem was that this scene really made it hard not to associate it with other things. Seeing that Lin Yan was about to look up, Bi Yaohua swiftly turned his head back and desperately started the next ranking game.

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