Chapter 154

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Lin Yan returned to the base and the first thing he did was to call the 'traitor' Luo Mo over to give him a severe lecture. In the end, he pretended to threaten to deduct a year's salary and arranged a lot of work content. Only then could some of his anger be relieved. As to how long it would take to withdraw this fine?

Luo Mo should know after being with him for so many years. The main thing was to see how sincere he was in admitting his mistakes. He probably wouldn't be able to get through this bump unless he coaxed Lin Yan for a few days.

Over the next few days, the four seeded teams in the World Competition were officially confirmed and the other players ended their holidays one after another. After returning to the base, they all devoted themselves to a new round of active training.

Before they knew it, another week had passed. The World Competition was nearing and GH officially made their way to South Korea.

On the day of departure, many fans spontaneously came to see them off. At a glance, this scene was quite spectacular. People who didn't know it thought it was some star traveling and couldn't help casting frequent attention over to their side.

They might have felt the number of fans growing all the way but it was the first time they had such close and positive contact. They were flattered and didn't put on any airs. They enthusiastically walked up to the group of fans and chatted a bit, leading to a flurry of screams.

"Yes, I know. I'll try my best!" Bi Yaohua thought that several sunspots would come out to fight with him on the spot. He didn't expect that the girls in front would be so enthusiastic, making him feel a bit embarrassed. "In fact, you don't have to worry about it. We might be a new team but the strength of our teammates is at the top. It's impossible to roll over. If I don't come back with a World Competition trophy, I won't have the face to see you."

"GH's strength is naturally clear. We aren't worried about your teammates. It's mainly you, BB!" The girl in the front row had a heartbroken expression on her face. "You see, you keep talking when playing the game. You must control it when playing on the field, you know. It isn't good to let your words affect the mood of the other players! In addition, you should remember to pay attention to the interview video later. It's okay for you to be shameless but if you set up any flags, it isn't just the other GH players. Even we will have to follow the shamelessness together!"

Bi Yaohua, "......"

Okay, calling him out was calling him out.

It was too late but it had arrived. He looked at the lovely girl in front of him, took a deep breath and endured it. "I know, I know!"

At the same time, he couldn't help looking into the distance enviously. In that direction, Gu Luo was surrounded by a group of fans. It was completely different from him. Gu Luo's arms were full with all types of plush toys and the expressions of the fans next to him were all loving. It was an expression that showed they wanted to pull this grandma grey-haired boy into his arms to love.

Bi Yaohua saw this and couldn't help sighing. How should he say it? The temperament of the players decided what type of fans there were. The fans of his Trash Talk King were destined to be different. He admitted it!

Jing Yuanzhou was wearing a casual suit today. Based on the number of fans around him, there were obviously several times more than others. However, a large part of them were senior fans. Most of them gathered in the distance in a very restrained manner and didn't rush to get close.

At this time, Jing Yuanzhou was holding a pen and signing autographs for a few old fans in the front row. He occasionally glanced up and could see the 'Parents Love' support signs held high in the crowd.

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