Chapter 175

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PAY and KING's game officially started. The last spot in the finals would be decided soon and this made the atmosphere of the scene extremely warm.

The moment they entered the BP session, the two official commentators had a heated discussion. Lin Yan didn't spare too much attention listening to these analyses. He just watched with a serious expression as the two teams chose their lineup one by one.

In terms of tactics, Jing Yuanzhou was willing to come to Lin Yan for advice. He saw that the two sides had finished choosing their lineups and asked in a low voice, "What do you think about the systems on both sides?"

Lin Yan pondered on it and gave a rare frown. "I can't say... let's just take a look."

According to the past situation, Lin Yan usually talked a lot when referencing tactics. Jing Yuanzhou was very surprised to hear such an answer. Still, he didn't ask any more questions. He turned his attention back to the TV screen.

During the conversation, the first game had started. AI's performance was as active as ever. He invaded KING's jungle right out of the gate and captured the first resources. Then he completely entered the gank rhythm.

Chen Yushen was originally watching the game carefully when he opened his mouth with some surprise. "AI's playing habits... they seem to be adjusted?"

Chen Yushen was a jungler and had naturally studied the top jungler. This time, he quickly and keenly discovered the details.

"Yes, it did change." Lin Yan glanced at DeMen on the top lane and pointed out meaningfully. "It's the last year. Perhaps they don't want to leave any regrets."

The focus of AI's jungle play was very clear. He was a protective force firmly protecting the upper half of the map to allow DeMen to develop thoroughly at the most rapid pace. The first game ended with PAY taking the lead. The MVP of this game was given to DeMen. He was the winner when it came to output percentage or the damage strength.

Lin Yan looked at it and couldn't help asking the person next to him, "Tell me, if AI chose to play like this against us, what would've happened?"

It obviously referred to the situation where the top lane was targeted to death.

Jing Yuanzhou didn't hear the ridicule in the words. He seriously thought about it and replied objectively, "We wouldn't lose."

Lin Yan smiled. "We really wouldn't lose."

Having said that, he couldn't help glancing at the statistics panel again.

This time, he went back to KING's selection in the first game and understood a lot.

In every match, the result of the first game had a very important impact on the morale of the next game but it was a BO5 system after all. Sometimes a loss in one or two rounds allowed them to see many things clearly and this might not be a bad thing.

In this year's competition, perhaps they were deliberately hiding their tactical system or wanted to better confuse the opponent but PAY showed great variability the whole time. Facing a team with a top player like AI, it would be very tough if they couldn't pinpoint the other person's entry point.

This was why KING boldly made such a choice in the first game of the incredibly crucial semi-finals. The most conventional lineup was often the most suitable for testing things.

There was a short break and the second game started quickly. Due to the PAY's first victory, the game venue was overwhelmingly excited at this time.

Lin Yan's demeanor became a bit more solemn.

The BP process soon ended. The moment he saw KING's final lineup, Lin Yan knew that Song Cheng had finally arranged for the players to fight back. The moment they entered the game, KING's shooter and support duo directly followed the line of soldiers to the top road where DeMen was located. They changed lanes at the beginning and obviously weren't prepared to give DeMen any further development opportunities.

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