Chapter 28

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The entire live broadcast room had already exploded from the moment Lan Min appeared in the camera. Lan Min was a player of the BK Club after all. Given the special relationship between Jing Yuanzhou and the BK Club in the past, it was obvious who invited him to the club today.

Before this, many Titans fans actually had a poor impression of Lan Min who had replaced their player.

However, the news of Lan Min's promotion to an official player was announced after Jing Yuanzhou's transfer and it was hard for them to say anything. It was only after netizens dug up the fact that Jing Yuanzhou had no public interaction with BK-related personnel after his transfer that people speculated on the truth behind this sudden transfer.

It was inevitable that they would think in the direction of a conflict within the club.

Judging by Jing Yuanzhou's attitude of personally inviting Lan Min to the GH Club today, the relationship between the new and old side lane player of the BK Club didn't seem as bad as outsiders imagined.

[Hey, this is BK's Mini, right? I saw him in the promotional photos.]

[I thought Titans and the people from BK would die of old age before contacting each other. Looking at this, it seems that their relationship is good.]

[A Titans fan is in tears. Originally, they were supposed to be teammates.]

[Isn't this show too much? Is it a script arrangement for hype?]

[Wait, why is Mini sitting in front of the computer? Did he come all the way to GH to play the game?]

[Or did he come here to ask Titans for guidance? After all, the BK team's tactics have always been around the side lane. How many newcomers would find it hard when they just arrived?]

[However, Titans didn't sit down... looking at the other side, isn't it GH's coach who turned on the computer?]

Everyone's attention was drawn by the words in the barrage.

On the other side, Lin Yan had already adjusted the operating equipment. He turned his head to the side and he asked Lan Min over the two computer screens. "How is your preparation? Is the equipment at our base easy to use?"

Lan Min had arrived empty-handed and hadn't brought his own peripherals. He could only use GH's equipment. He heard the words and responded with a sullen expression. "Yes, it's okay."'

Lin Yan smiled silently. "That's good. If you log in and go to your friends list, I just added you."

Lan Min lowered his head. Sure enough, a friend request had popped up. He clicked on it and the ID 'Who Isn't a Little Princess' appeared in the centre of the screen.

Lan Min, "......"

After becoming friends, Lin Yan created a custom solo room and sent an invitation. Once the two sides were ready, they would officially enter the selection process.

Lin Yan didn't forget to remind him, "Choose it. I am the same as you."

Lan Min couldn't help gritting his teeth when he heard this and he directly locked onto the abyss shadow, Griffin. Lin Yan raised his eyebrow and locked onto the same hero. Then he looked at Jing Yuanzhou next to him with a smile.

Everyone knew that Abyss Shadow Griffin was one of Jing Yuanzhou's many famous heroes. Lan Min had always been a loyal fan of Jing Yuanzhou. It wasn't surprising that he liked to use the same hero. Taking it out at this time was also declaring his orthodox apprentice status.

Neither of them were broadcasting live and the audience could only see through the rear camera lens. They struggled to make out the outline on the computer screen.]

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