hello and welcome! :D

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hello!! so this is my book full of one-shots, thank you for reading! there are 198 parts, not including this intro and my lil thank you note at the end. ummmmm, idk, the stories get progressively better in writing quality. like the beginning few ones, i will admit, they aren't very good sjdfhksjdf

however, that doesn't mean i don't still love every single one of them and i'm proud of all them :)) they're all worth a read, so i highly recommend checking them out!!

thank you so much for checking this out!! plz be nice to others if you comment, don't forget we're all real people behind these screens lol 

and yeah, plz do comment whatever's on your mind (again as long as you're nice lol) and I'll respond to it sdhkfkdj i really do look at and respond to every comment, i tmakes my day so do it as much as you please :))

hope you enjoy!! :D

Sanders Sides One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now