Chapter 17:Concern

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Ochako had just hung up the phone with Shoto. He had told her the whole story and Ochako was confused mixed with pissed. She knew Izuku was hiding something but this was over the top. She was angry, but most of all she was worried for her boyfriend. She called Izuku and waited for a response.

Izuku looked at his phone and saw a video call from Ochako. He quickly answered.

"Hey Ochako, how was the volleyball game?" He asks with a smile.

"It was good." Ochako says with visible worry.

"You okay?" Izuku asks noticing Ochako's worried manner.

"Yeah, I heard what happened during my game. Why'd you hit him?" Ochako asks making izuku's smile fade away.

"I don't know...he just really pissed me off and my anger got the best of me." Izuku says looking at his hand which was bruised from the impact of inasa's jaw.

"Will you say sorry to him?" Ochako says with a frown.

Izuku sighs.

"Nah, he doesn't deserve an apology." Izuku says while clenching his fist.

"What? Why not! You punched him Izuku!" Ochako says raising her voice.

"Yeah and he fucking deserved it! He came to our territory and slandered our name! He completely made it seem as if shoto hadn't worked his ass off to get into U.A and then managed to insult me while doing that. Fucker had it coming, you weren't there why are you trying to make me do anything!" Izuku says overpowering Ochako's voice.

Izuku grits his teeth and Ochako breathes in.

"Izuku I know you want to have your friends back but-" Izuku cuts her off.

"There is not buts! If someone hurts my friends, I'll hurt them back 10x harder." Izuku says before hanging up.

Izuku throws his phone on his bed and leaves his room.

He walks outside and into his backyard. There he has a punching bag he had been using. Clearly he had been practicing seeing how he was able to knock someone down who was at least 6 inches taller then him.

His body had become tense with anger, he had to release it. So he did, he hit the punching bag over and over again. That was until he threw too hard and the punching bag came back and whacked him in the face, knocking him into the grass.

He looked up at the stars and clenched his fist before yelling.


Ochako was in her bed, she was talking to Shoto who had told her to call him back when she was done talking to Izuku.

"I had a bad feeling he'd be persistent. I get why he did it but he needs to realize what he did isn't the right solution." Shoto says while Ochako slowly nods.

"I agree, he's passionate about what he believes but that can be a double edged sword..." Ochako says while shoto sighs.

"Man I swear if he fucks up again I'm not sure the team will stay quiet. Especially Hitoshi Shinso, he went to school with a bunch of Shiketsu kids so he wouldn't like hearing that Izuku hit his old friend." Shoto says while Ochako raises a brow.

"Shinso? I've noticed he's a bit off...I always notice him staring at Izuku." Ochako says making Shoto laugh.

"Maybe he's got a crush on him." Shoto says sarcastically while laughing

Ochako shakes her head while smiling.

"On a real note, I'll keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't do anything sus, if he does I'll let you know." Shoto says smiling.

"Yeah, I'd appreciate that." Ochako says rubbing her forehead.

"Dont stress about it Ochako, I'll make sure he's okay, even if I have to beat it into him." Shoto says smiling at Ochako.

"Dont actually do that, but I appreciate the consideration." Ochako says shaking her head.

"Anyways I'm gonna go, I'll see you soon." Shoto says to ochako.

"Thanks for letting me know about all this Shoto, I'll see you Monday." Ochako says while waving to the camera.

"No problem! See you then!" Shoto waves before hanging up.

Ochako sighs and puts down her phone.

"Please be okay Izuku." She says out loud before turning off her light and laying down in bed.

Izuku on the other hand was filled with regret, his anxiety made a quick re-entrance into his life. He'd been doing his best to ignore his nervousness and stress but the walls finally came crashing down.

'Why did I do that why did I do that!' Izuku thinks to himself while pacing around his room.

'I shouldn't have raised my voice I seemed like such an asshole.' Izuku thinks while tears threaten to leave his eyes.

'No! Don't cry! Don't be a bitch about it!' Izuku thought while sniffling.

His mindset was crushed. It had been pumped into his head while he was younger that crying was meant for weak people. Deep down he knew this was wrong but he couldn't help but try not to cry anyways. He was flawed.

'If only I didn't fucking swing! I wouldn't be thinking these thoughts!' Izuku's mind was in a dark place.

Sometimes when he'd be alone he would think of the worst scenario's, even in his sleep he wasn't safe, sometimes he'd have nightmares. Either of him being made fun of, being turned on, even sometimes his fathers death would haunt his dreams.

He was still suffering, he just had more distractions now. He didn't even think of the pain he'd cause if he made the fatal decision.

He did his best to ignore it but to no avail. He felt himself losing control again, he hated it. He started thinking of when he was accidentally high off of edibles the previous night, how he felt free of stress, he wasn't self conscious about anything. He felt awake but not at the same time. He felt lighter, he felt like he wasn't a burden. Even if it was under bad circumstances he felt good. The feeling of being free of all his problems even if it was just temporary.

He missed that feeling...

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