Chapter 59: Kota Izumi and Eri...

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"Yo Bakugo." Kota called out to Bakugo.

Bakugo turned toward him. "What is it kid?" He asks the boy who rolls his eyes.

"I want your advice." Kota says surprising Bakugo.

Practice had just ended and the boys had all went to the locker room.

"About?" Bakugo questioned the boy as he shook his head getting sweat off of his forehead.

"Do you know..." Kota paused a small blush appeared on his face.

Bakugo looked at him confused.

"Do you know how to tell if a girl likes you?" He spits out as he blushes even more.

Bakugo smirks. "Oh so you've got a thing for someone?" He chuckles.

Kota grits his teeth. "Shut up!" He says and Bakugo shakes his head. "Is it that silver haired girl that's always following you around?" Kota looks down.

"Yeah..." He answers in a shy tone as he scratching his cheek.

Bakugo laughs. "What's her name?" He asks the boy who sighs.

"Eri..." Kota answered as the blush on his face returned.

Bakugo shakes his head as he laughs. "I couldn't tell you man, I've never payed any mind to relationships so it's not my forte."

Kota looks at him surprised. "You haven't gotten approached by girls before?! How!" Kota asked confused. Bakugo just continues to laugh.

"They have yeah, but I've never had anything with any of them." Bakugo tells the boy as he puts his helmet in his locker.

"Well damn..." Kota mumbles before feeling his phone buzz.

*hey Kota are you done at football?* Eri had messaged the boy.

Kota scrambled and quickly wrote back.

*yeah just finished, what's up?* He messages back as Bakugo looks at him with a mischievous smile.

Bakugo quickly grabs the boys phone. He types out a message and presses send while holding the phone up above Kota who wasn't tall enough to reach.

Kota jumps up and grabs the phone.

*yo you wanna go out with me? Let's go to the mall this weekend.*

"DUDE!" Kota yells at Bakugo who turns away from him.

"Thank me later." He says as he leaves the locker room leaving Kota alone.

Kota looks down to his phone.

*yeah sure! Sounds fun!*

A blush appears on his face.

'Holy shit it worked.'

Kota messaged back a thumbs up emoji and grabbed all of his things before leaving the locker room. He walked past Bakugo who was standing here scolding two people who Kota didn't recognize.

He had been friends with Eri since their third year in middle school. The girl had moved from a few districts over and the two instantly clicked. She was a very dense girl though. A lot of stuff flew past her head.

This resulted in a few boys asking her on dates and her not getting the hint at all. She had grown up in a normal household, so real problems were foreign to her. The only real thing she suffered from was when she was in elementary school her uncle died in a work accident.

Kota formed feelings for the girl toward the end of their first year. He wasn't even sure why, he just did.

They hung out over the summer and when they found out they were applying for the same school they became even closer.

Kota had also grown up in a normal home, his parents were happily married and his family was super close. Kota strived to move to America when he was older and play in the NFL. It had been his dream since his family visited America when he was younger and saw a football game there.

He wanted to go D1 and if he wanted that he'd have to grind his ass off. That's why he was so competitive even with his own teammates.

He walked toward the edge of the parking lot.

'Time for the gym!' The boy thought to himself as he started walking.

Eri laid on her bed scrolling on her phone.

'Hanging out with Kota again is gonna be so fun! I wonder where we're gonna go this time.' The girl smiled to herself before getting a text.

*hey Eri, you want to come with me? I'm gonna go meet up with some of your late uncles family and have dinner.* Her mother messaged her.

Eri quickly sat up in bed.

*sure mom! I'll get ready now!* she messaged back before getting up and picking out a cute outfit.

Once she changed she quickly ran out to the living room. "I'm ready!" She said as she slid on the wooden floor.

"Need shoes don't you?" Her mother grins at her.

Eri looked down and saw that she only had socks on. She giggled and ran over to put her shoes on.

The girl and her parents got into the car. Eri sat in the back seat and watched as rain poured. Luckily for the football team practice was already over.

The trio arrived at a small restaurant and went inside. "What family members are we meeting with?" Eri asked both of her parents.

"Your auntie. My sister." Eri's father turned around and smiled.

"Really?" Eri asked and both of her parents nodded.

"Oh fun!" Eri smiled.

They all walked up to the table that her aunt was sitting at.

The woman stood up.

"Hey guys!" She greeted with a grin. A blonde girl sat at the table, she was quiet.

"Hey Inko! How are you?" Eri's mother hugged Inko.

"I'm doing good! What about you guys?" Inko asked the three.

"We're great, right Eri?" Eri's father looks down at the girl and she nods with a smirk.

"Hi auntie!" Eri walked up and hugged the woman.

"Hi Eri! You look so pretty! You've grown up so much you're almost as tall as me!" Inko laughed and Eri joined her.

"Thank you! It's been so long...I don't even remember the last time I saw you." Eri giggled as her parents sat down.

"Oh and who's this?" Eri's mother asked looking over to the blonde girl.

"Oh this is one of Izuku's good friends, Himiko why don't you introduce yourself?" Inko looked over to Toga who seemed surprised.

"Uhm, I'm Himiko Toga, I'm in U.A with Izuku...nice to meet you guys." Toga smiled.

Eri looked at the girl, she seemed eerily familiar.

Eri's parents both introduced themselves to the girl. Now it was Eri's turn.

"Hi Toga." She waved with a smile.

"I also go to U.A I'm a first year though. Pretty sure I've seen you around though." She babbled.

"Anyways." She started while putting out her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Eri Midoriya it's nice to meet you!"

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