Chapter 23:Champions even in spirit

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It's the 2 minute warning, U.A are down 8 points with possession. Bakugo calls the play, Shinso walked over to his position and stared across to his middle school friend Inasa.

"I took that shithead out of the game just so we could be here Shinso." Inasa smiled through his helmet at Shinso.

Shinso stayed silent.

He hasn't been super active in the game, Todoroki had been more relied on.

Bakugo calls the play and Shinso runs his route, only to get tripped by Inasa. luckily Bakugo had already thrown the ball to Shoto bringing it to first and goal with less than two minutes remaining.

They quickly set up and kirishima ran the ball in, U.A was down 2 points with no time so they had to go for a two point conversion.

Bakugo called hike and shinso ran into the end zone. He was wide open until Inasa ran toward him.

Bakugo launched the ball to Shinso and Shinso ran up and jumped. Inasa also jumped going for an interception.

The crowd was silent.

The whistle blew.

"THE TWO POINT CONVERSION FOR THE U.A UNDERDOGS!" Mr.Yamada yelled through the microphone.

Shinso had caught the ball before being tackled down by Inasa. Tying up the game with less than two minutes.

The kickoff was setup quick and with little over a minute to play Ojiro sent the ball down the field.

Shinso ran toward the receiver who was bolting down the sidelines. Suddenly Shoto side tackled the receiver and the ball popped into the air. Right toward Shinso.

Shinso caught it and was baffled. He stood still for half a second before hearing Yagi from the sidelines.

"GO KID RUN!" Yagi and Bakugo screamed in unison.

Shinso dodged 2 tackles and started running toward the end zone.

His heart was racing, people in front of him were being tackled out of the way by his teamates and the end zone was almost open. There was only one person in front of him and the end zone.



Shinso became angry. Inasa wasn't who Shinso thought he was. He sprinted right at Inasa and clashed helmets with him. Shinso stumbled back but stayed on his feet while Inasa fell forward barely missing Shinso.

Shinso looked back and saw 5 players running at him. He quickly started running again and fell into the endzone. He scored a touchdown to bring U.A into the lead with less than 30 seconds left.

He was jumped on by the whole team who were yelling and patting him on the shoulders.

The before silent crowd had become loud as ever as it was all but confirmed that U.A would finally win their football league.

After a few seconds Shinso stood up and walked to the sidelines so Ojiro and the offensive line could set up for the extra point.

"Good shit dude!" Bakugo said punching Shinso's shoulder.

"Thanks." Shinso shyly rubbed his shoulder.

Ojiro made the final kick securing their lead.

After a failed reception from the other team the game ended.

Shinso stood in the crowd as he was surrounded by teammates and students and parents, a smile across his face as he finally felt accepted.

Izuku layed in pain, wincing at every small movement.

"I'm so sorry this happened Izuku..." Ochako muttered while sitting next to his hospital bed.

"Ah it's whatever..." Izuku mumbled clearly not happy.

He let his anger get the best of him and he was disappointed in himself. Everything with Shinso and his own unattended issues had led to him becoming the type of person he didn't want to be.

He felt horrible about it, yet there he was with no other idea what to do.

Ochako noticed his expression, she couldn't tell if it was in her head or if he was just in pain because of his arm but but he also looked like he was in pain for other reasons.

The door to the room opened and Inko walked in. She quickly walked over and wrapped Izuku in a hug.

"Aw my baby." She frowned while squeezing Izuku making sure not to mess with the broken arm which had been quickly but painfully put back in place.

"I'm okay mom, I'll be fine." Izuku reassured her mother because the last person she saw in the hospital was his father.

"I know sweetie I just hate that you had to get hurt when you just started to play football again." Inko pushed hair out of izuku's face.

Izuku chuckled a bit.

"Well it was the championship game so at least now I won't miss any more..." He laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Ochako and Izuku's phones stared to blow up with texts.

Ochako looked at her phone and Izuku looked at her.

"What's up?" Izuku questioned as Ochako got a little wide eyed.

"They won the championship." Ochako says turning her phone to Izuku to show a picture of the team holding the championship trophy.

Izuku focused on Shinso.

He looked happy.

Izuku didn't know how to feel about Shinso.

On one hand he was angry at the boy.

And on the other he understood him.

"That's great." Izuku smiled while Ochako faced her phone back to her.

"Hey can you hand me my phone please?" Izuku asked his mother who quickly handed him his phone.

The first notification he noticed was a message from Shinso, it was the first time he had messaged him separate from the group chat.

Izuku started reading the message.

*Hey Midoriya, I want to apologize for the way I acted toward you, I never took into account how you were feeling during the times in middle school. I hope we can both get past this and become friends for real.*

Izuku felt tears trying to leave his eyes but he held back. The second message was sent while Izuku was still in the chat.

*Did it for you bro!*

It was a photo of Shinso holding the trophy with the MVP title on it.

Izuku smiled.

*Lets start over, I think we can be good friends Shinso, and congrats, can't wait to hear more about it.* Izuku responded to the message.

"Who's that?" Ochako tried to peak over the side of his phone and he chuckled.

"It's Shinso, here look." Izuku handed Ochako the phone.

She read the messages and smiled.

"That's great Izuku!" She enthusiastically replied while handing the phone back to him.

A doctor walked through the door.

"Izuku Midoriya yes?" The doctor asked.

"Yup that's me." Izuku replied with a awkward smile.

He started thinking to himself.

'Let's get this over with.'

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