Chapter 95: Random Pressure

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I just randomly wrote a chapter of a Venom Deku story. Idk why, I probably won't publish it. Or I will then never update it again. Depends on my mood. Anyways, almost at 100 chapters on this one. That's cool i guess.

It was the semi finals game. If U.A won this game they'd go to the championship for the second year in a row.

It was the end of November and the team had been undefeated since Izuku returned. Now holding the best record in the league at 15-3. Not only would this game send them to the championships but it would make their streak hit 10 wins in a row.

It was the U.A Underdogs vs the Shiketsu Stars.

U.A were anything but the Underdogs in this matchup. They had the best record in the league by far only followed by Shiketsu who were 11-7. The lack of Inasa heavily affected the team.

Izuku knew that Inasa broke his arm, just not how. He also knew that the boy would be somewhere in the bleachers. He was determined to score so he could celebrate with Inasa. In the best way he could think of.

"Alright boys. Just because they're down on one leg doesn't mean we don't take them seriously okay? A cornered animal is always the most dangerous." Bakugo told the team as they huddled up.

"We lock in, we beat these guys." Bakugo smirked.

"Then we get another championship game!" Bakugo put his hand in the middle of the team.

"Let's get em' boys." The boy said as everyone put their hands on his.

"1, 2, 3!" Everyone pushed their hands into the air.

"U.A!" The team yelled.

"Deku, Kota, let's go." Bakugo told the two as he walked toward the field.

It was time for the coin toss.

The three met in the middle with 3 of shiketsu's students.

"U.A, what's your call." The ref said to the three. Bakugo and Kota looked over to Izuku who grinned.

"Heads." Izuku told the ref who nodded.

Izuku looked across at the three Shiketsu students. Nagamasa Mora the wide receiver. Senji Shishikura the quarterback, one of them was new, izuku had never seen him before. He was shorter, maybe 5'6, he had light brown colored hair with a patch of freckles on his face, he had a more skinny build. He was the other wide receiver.

The ref flipped the coin and it bounced twice before landing. Izuku looked down and saw the result.

"It's tails! Shiketsu, pick your stance." The ref looks over to the team.

The brown haired boy chuckles as he stares at Kota.

"<Im gonna destroy you.>" The boy says in English before turning away.

Kota was confused on why the boy looked at him specifically and why he spoke in English.

"We'll recieve." Shishikura says to the ref who nods.

"Shiketsu receives first half." The ref says as the players turn back to their sidelines.

"Yo do you know that kid?" Izuku asks Kota who shrugs. "I have no clue who he is." Kota says to izuku.

"Who cares, we're gonna beat him anyways." Bakugo grins as they reach the sidelines.

Kota looked over to the boy who had gotten into position to receive the ball. He had an American flag on his jersey.

'He's from America...' Kota thinks to himself.

'But he looks Japanese...does he just live in America? Wait no then why would he be here?!' Thoughts ran through Kota's mind.

Since the boy had been studying English for when he hopefully moved to America for college he knew what the boy said at the coin toss. It didn't scare Kota in the slightest, just confused him.

"Bro, I can tell you know what he said." Izuku said to Kota who jumped a bit, he was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice Izuku next to him.

"Uh yeah, I study English in my free time." Kota chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

"So, what did he say?" Izuku says to the boy who sighs.

"He said "I'm gonna destroy you."" Kota put up air quotes and Izuku raised a brow.

"So he's an idiot?" Izuku laughs but Kota keeps his game face on.

"He has an American flag on his jersey. He's clearly not from around here. Let's take it seriously." Kota puts his hand on his own collar while staring intently as the ball is kicked off toward the light brown haired boy.

The boy caught it and started to sprint. He was fast, comparable to Kota type fast. He easily passed Majority of the team only being tackled by Iida at the 25 yard line.

Iida could only catch up because the brown haired boy was running toward him. If not for that, the boy would've got the return touchdown with ease.

Kota felt his stomach turn slightly. 'He's good...' The boy thought to himself as the defense for U.A went onto the field.

The first real play of the game the brown haired boy scored a touchdown. He didn't celebrate, not even with his team. Instead he took his helmet off and looked directly at Kota with a grin on his face.

"Let's see what you got kid." The boy said to Kota who was even more confused.

"Okay dude no way he doesn't, know who you are or something." Izuku said to Kota who nodded.

"Not sure how he'd know...but I guess I gotta play good." Kota squeezed his helmet as the kicker for Shiketsu made the extra point kick.

"You're up." Bakugo said to Kota who just nodded.

'I've got this...' The boy thinks to himself as he puts the helmet over his head.

Kota got onto the field and looked over to the sidelines to once again see the brown haired boy staring at him with a grin.

Kota shook his head and looked back in front of him as the ball is kicked.

'I've got this!'

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