Chapter 70: Owning Up

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Bakugo dropped Camie off at home and drove himself home. They had gone through with doing it again. He was now fully infatuated with the girl and wanted more than what they were.

The boy opened his phone and saw a missed call from Izuku. He contemplated calling back.

Finally he called the boy back.

After a few seconds Izuku picked up.

"Yo." Izuku said to Bakugo who sighed.

"What's up, you called." Bakugo says and izuku chuckles.

"Yeah, just wanted to talk about earlier. Think you could tell me what happened?" Izuku asked Bakugo who sighs as he pushed his seat back.

"Sure, basically Camie told me she needed help with something. Then after bringing me to the front of the school she started making out with me. One thing lead to another and we ended up in my car with her sitting on my lap, still making out with me." Bakugo said as a small blush appeared on his face and he closed his eyes.

"So you didn't have sex with her?" Izuku asks the boy and a small smile appears on his face.

"After the fact we did." Bakugo says confusing izuku.

"Huh?" Izuku said and Bakugo chuckled.

"After everything happened I told her that we should finish what she started. Ended up doing it twice." Bakugo told Izuku who could be heard trying to hold back a laugh.

"Wow dude, you can't keep it in your pants huh. What,twice in the last hour and a half since it happened?" Izuku laughed and Bakugo nodded while humming yes.

"Damn bro, are you gonna try and actually get with her?" Izuku asks the boy who stares into space for a second.

"You'd be fine with that?" Bakugo asked the boy who chuckled.

"It ain't none of my business who you get with and don't, yeah me and her had a run in a while ago but it's not like she actually hurt me. She just sent a threat that just so happened to be a fluke." Izuku told the boy who nodded.

"Fair enough, then yeah I think I'm gonna try. She told me how old she was and stuff, ended up getting her number to." Bakugo says with a smile on his face.

"How old is she?" Izuku asks and Bakugo smirks.

"18." Bakugo says and Izuku's eyes widen.

"Yo what?!" Izuku says and Bakugo laughs.

"Told you the other day I need me an older girl. And I got one in my sights now." Bakugo laugher.

"She's fine with you only being 17?" Izuku asks the boy who shrugs.

"I mean I don't think it would matter, she only turned 18 a month ago. So it's not like she'll turn 19 before I'm 18 as well." Bakugo says to izuku who raises a brow.

"Whatever you say bro..." Izuku shakes his head.

"Anyway, what the hell happened between you and Inasa? On our way back to Camie's house he texted her about you. Seemed pretty heated." Bakugo says and izuku nervously chuckles.

"We got in another altercation." Izuku admits and Bakugo audibly sighs.

"Bruh, I missed another one? That's crazy..." Bakugo says disappointed.

He also wasn't there was Izuku initially punched Inasa back in first year.

"It wasn't that similar to last time. This time I just kicked the back of his leg and held him up against a car before telling him not to fuck with me. Also head butted him giving him a bloody nose." Izuku told Bakugo who threw his hands in the air.

"I'm never there when the cool shit happens!" Bakugo says making izuku laugh.

"Trust me bro it ain't at cool as it sounds, I didn't mention that I was also bawling my eyes out while doing it. Ochako had to calm me down a bit before I drove both of us to a convenience store to buy me a hat to cover the fat ass bruise on my forehead." Izuku laughed along with Bakugo.

"Yo Deku." Bakugo said after the two stopped laughing.

"Yeah?" Izuku asked and Bakugo sighed.

"I'm sorry man." Bakugo said baffling Izuku.

"Wait what?!" Izuku asked and Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"I fell for Camie's trick. Then after the fact fought back against you instead of swallowing my pride and taking the blame. So I'm sorry." Bakugo apologized again.

"I appreciate that man, and I'm sorry to you to. I shouldn't have quit on the spot like that it was immature. I hope Coach lets me back on the team." Izuku chuckles a bit and Bakugo just smiles.

"I'm sure I can convince him." Bakugo says to the boy.

"Mhm." Izuku chuckles again.

"Yo, did you hear about homecoming?" Bakugo asks izuku who raises a brow.

"No? What is it." Izuku asks and Bakugo finally decides to get out of his car.

"It's a dance, it's being held in a few weeks after one of our games." Bakugo told the boy.

"Oh shit really? Guess we have something to look forward to then." He says while thinking of ways to ask Ochako.

"Yeah man, it's for all of us first through third year. Shoto told me about it since his dad's apart of the school board he got early info for it." Bakugo walks toward his home.

"Damn, that's gonna be awesome." Izuku says and Bakugo smiles and nods.

"If me and Camie hit it off in a non sexual encounter I might ask her to go with me." Bakugo tells izuku and the boys scoffs.

"Non sexual encounter. Yeah, that should be easy buddy just ask her on a date." The boy laughed at Bakugo who rolled his eye's as he neared his door.

"Yeah bro...Alright man I'm gonna go." Bakugo said as he unlocked his door.

"Alright bro, we're good right?" Izuku asked Bakugo who laughed.

"Yeah man we're good. See you tomorrow." Bakugo said and izuku smiled at his phone.

"Yeah, see you then." He said before hanging up.

He looked over to Ochako who had a huge smile on her face. "Good job izuku. Im proud of you." She said to the boy before leaning over the center console of the car and kissing him on the cheek.

Izuku smiled.

"Thanks. Im happy things went well." Izuku told the girl who nodded.

"Yeah same, it could've been a lot worse." Ochako giggled and izuku smiled at her.

"Alright well,I'm gonna go back inside, I'll see you in the morning okay?" Ochako said as she opened the car door.

"Yeah, see you in the morning. Love you." Izuku said while waving.

"I love you too!" Ochako waved back as she shut the door.

This time the day was over for real. Izuku went home and quickly passed out from exhaustion.

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