Chapter 81: Way too Tired

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"Bro..." Bakugo had sat down on the bench inside the locker rooms.

"Hey don't blame me it was Kota's fault he's the one who pulled it down." Izuku said shrugging.

"YOU DIDNT HAVE UNDERWEAR ON WHAT THE FUCK!" Bakugo yelled and Izuku shrugged again.

"Hey, at least the 14 year old boy didn't see my dick. That would've been weird." Izuku nodded and put his thumb up.

"But I did bruh, I don't wanna see that shit." Bakugo face palmed and Izuku waved it off.

"At least I'm not a shrimp so you can't clown on me." The boy said and Bakugo gave him a death glare.

"Fuck you." Bakugo rolls his eyes before standing up.

"Damn I didn't know you swung like that." Izuku shoots back.

Bakugo freezes and Izuku gets slightly worried that he's going to be hit.

"Shut the fuck up." Bakugo says before he bursts out laughing.

'At least he found that funny instead of taking it literally...thank god.' Izuku thought to himself as he grabbed his things and followed Bakugo out of the locker room.

Kota stood in one of the shower's with his head against the wall.

'I did not need a face full of man ass today...' He thought to himself as he let the water drain down his back.

He quickly cleaned himself off and grabbed a towel before walking back into the locker portion of the room.

He got dressed and sighed as he put his hat back on his slightly damp hair. He walked out of the locker room and didn't see Eri anywhere.

'She is a girl, so I guess it makes sense she would take longer to get ready.' Kota thought to himself as he sat down and yawned.

Eri walked out of the girls locker room a few minutes later and saw Kota on a bench with his hat over his eyes.

Eri walked up to the boy. "You awake?" She asked the boy who didn't answer.

She giggled and took her phone out before snapping a picture of the sleeping boy.

'How cute.' She thought to herself before poking his nose.

His eyes shot open and he tapped his hat up.

"Hm?" He blinked a bunch and saw Eri leaned over in front of him with a smile on her face.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Eri apologized while offering her hand.

"It's fine." Kota yawned and Eri smiled at him. 'Cute' She thought to herself as the boy took her hand.

She helped him up and he let go of her hand. Eri felt...disappointed at the action.

Kota covered his mouth as he yawned again.

"Damn how did I get so tired so quickly..." Kota mumbled to himself as he blinked a bunch again, trying to wake himself up fully.

He had gone to football practice before meeting with Eri. That on top of the gym session and a warm shower had knocked the boy out. He couldn't even keep his eyes fully open.

"You wanna go home? I don't wanna keep you up. We can always go out for dinner another time." Eri offered to the boy who shook his head.

"But...we're finally out on a date and I can't miss this chance." Kota said still delirious.

Eri blushes a bit. "It's fine, like I said we can go another time." She says and the boy sighs.

"I guess...can I at least walk you home though?" Kota asks the girl who nods. "Of course." She replies to the boy.

The two left the gym and Eri noticed that Kota was still half asleep. A chill ran down the girls spine as it had gotten colder throughout the night.

Kota looked over to the girl and noticed she was cold. He took off the sweatshirt he had on and put it around her shoulders before yawning again. "There you go" He said to the girl who took the sweatshirt off of her shoulders and looked at it.

Eri looked over to the boy as he nonchalantly kept walking. "You know this is your football sweatshirt right?" Eri asks the boy who nods.

"It's fine, I have an extra at home." Kota answers before sniffling. He was cold now.

Eri looked at the back of the sweatshirt and saw Kota's last name printed on the back. A small blush appeared on her face. She pulled the sweatshirt over onto her and smiled as she snuggled her hands into the sleeves.

"This is almost like we share a last name." Eri giggled while trying to tease the boy.

"If things go the way I want them to, then someday we will." Kota said catching Eri off guard and causing her to blush. Kota started to sway side to side as he could barely keep himself awake.

He was literally falling asleep on his feet.

Eri hadn't blushed as much as she did then almost ever. 'Did he mean...' Her blush deepened as she looked back to the boy.

The duo neared her home in silence. Eri couldn't believe that the boy was so blunt. It had her questioning a lot of things between the two.

The two got to her front door and Eri turned back to Kota. "Tonight was fun...even though it got cut short." Eri nervously laughed as Kota stood in front of her still slightly swaying back and forth.

"I'm glad you had fun..." Kota mumbled before slowly falling forward.

He fell into Eri's arms. "Okay...I think you should stay the night here. There's no way you're getting home safe when you can't even stay on your feet." Eri told the boy who hummed an agreement.

Eri helped the boy inside and brought him up the stairs. She lead him to the couch where she layed him down. She took his hat off of his head and rested it on the coffee table.

Eri walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water for the boy just incase he woke up in the middle of the night. She then ran into her room and grabbed an extra blanket she had.

She walked back into the living room and spread the blanket around the boy so that he wouldn't get cold. Eri then stood in front of the boy, looking down at his face.

It was so...calm. The peaceful look on his face made her happy. "Goodnight Kota...I'll see you in the morning." She told the boy before she started to turn around. Kota started to mumble.

"I love you Eri..."

Eri's eyes widened as she turned back to the boy who started snoring. A huge blush appeared on her face as she quickly tip toed to her room as to not wake the boy up.

She shut her door trying to make as little noise as possible before she ran over and dove onto her bed putting her face in her hands.

'There's no way he just said that!'

All for Love ~ IzuochaWhere stories live. Discover now