Chapter 129: Anger Managment

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Izuku sat in a cell. At the other side of it was Inasa.

Why the police put them in the same cell was beyond him. He could easily go over and start another fight if he so pleased.

But something told him neither of them wanted to fight. Inasa had a tissue in his nose to stop the bleeding, and izuku had an ice pack to hopefully stop the swelling of his face.

They had both been checked into the local police station, izuku smiled in his mugshot, it was petty, but hey.

At least he had a cool album cover.

It had only been maybe two hours since the incident. He had calmed down and realized how bad he fucked up. Yes his anger in the past almost two years had slowed, but it never went away.

"Maybe I need anger management..."

Izuku heard Inasa chuckle from the other side of the cell. "You think?"

Izuku shook his head while smiling.

"Listen your mom really?"

Inasa stood up and sighed. "I really don't wanna talk about my feelings and my hardships with the guy who just got us both arrested."

Izuku just nodded. He couldn't really blame the guy, after all if someone had said something like that to him about his father he would've snapped as well.

"Why'd you hit on Ochako?"

Inasa rolled his eyes. "To be a dick to you."

Izuku chuckled. "You're an asshole."

"Guess that makes the two of us."

"Izuku Midoriya."

Izuku looked over to Inasa.

"I hate you."

Izuku slowly smiled.

"I'm glad the feeling is mutual."

A police officer walked up to the cell. "Izuku Midoriya. Your mother is here to pick you up."

Izuku nodded and stood up. He glanced at inasa who was staring at the ceiling. Not another word was said as izuku left the cell.

He was brought to the front of the station where inko stood. She didn't smile at izuku or even say anything. Just turned away and started to walk to the car. Izuku followed and got into the passenger seat. Inko started the car and the drive home.

"You know why I'm angry right."

Izuku hadn't heard his mother this angry ever in his life. Her voice was pure disappointment mixed with anger.

"Yeah...I know mom..."

"You know this shit stays on your record right?"

Izuku was slightly surprised. He wasn't sure if he'd ever heard his mother swear, not to him at least.


Inko sighed. "I talked to Ochako."

Izuku's eyes lit up a bit as he looked over to his mom.

"We're putting you into anger management classes."

Izuku blinked a few times. "Huh...?"

"Anger management classes, we don't need you exploding again like this."

Izuku looked back down at his hands. The small shake had returned.

"She told me that you said you'd kill him."

Izuku's eyes widened as he felt tears enter his eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

"Izuku do you understand how messed up that is to say? That's not normal, not at all. That's why you need that anger management because what happens when you really snap?"

Inko shook her head.

"Sorry isn't enough, and you shouldn't be saying it to me. That boy clearly is troubled and I know you are too to some extent but you need to apologize to him. Sooner than later."

Izuku remembered back to the party where he saw him making advances on Ochako. "After he apologizes to Ochako, then I'll apologize."

Inko sighs and nods as she turn's onto their road. "That's fair."

"You also need to apologize to Ochako. She told me it felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest when you got taken away in the cop car."

Izuku nodded in agreement. "I will..."

"In person." Inko looked at the boy who nodded.

"In person."

They pulled into their driveway and inko turned off the car. She sighed and leaned her head on the steering wheel.

Izuku looked over to her, he felt horrible.

"I'll pay for the classes..."

Inko chuckled while shaking her head. "Trust me izuku that wasn't a choice for you to make, you're paying whether you wanted to or not."

Izuku smiled a bit. "Okay..."

At Camie's house Camie laid in bed. She sighed and sniffled. She had been crying on and off since her party was cut short.

"I'm really sorry Camie."

"Don't be."

Camie looked over to Katsuki who was lying next to her. "It was my old friend and your current friend being stupid...nothing we can do about it."

Katsuki sighed. "Just can't believe Deku fell back down that hole. Really don't want it to get bad again."

Camie raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

Katsuki chuckled while rolling onto his side and looking at Camie. "At the start of our first year he put up a front that he was this cool dude, back then he wasn't. He became an asshole and stuff like that, it's when we first got close. I was also an ass at the we got along once he started to act all tough."

Camie giggled and shook her head. "Wow, so this isn't the first time he's been like this."

Bakugo shook his head as well. "Nope, I heard in our first year the thing that started their beef is that Inasa got in Shoto's face and izuku punched Inasa in the nose. Literally no one expected it since he was so timid as a kid."

Camie giggled again. "I assume he had it coming."

Katsuki shrugged. "I don't know, I wasn't there."

Camie nodded. "Touché."

"For real though I'm sorry. I should've stepped in earlier."

Camie put a hand on Katsuki's cheek. "Katsuki stop. It's okay." Camie's smile made Katsuki smile, he couldn't help it.

Camie closed her eyes as her grin widened. "Plus, I'd rather be with you alone than have some dumb party."

The two chuckled as they continued to lay together.

Ochako was at her house. She was in her bed hugging her pillow. "I just don't know what to do...I can't believe he actual got arrested. It's insane."

Himiko answered from the phone call the two were on. "I know Ochako, I'm really surprised as well."

Ochako sighed. "I really hope that he's okay with going to anger management."

"Don't give him a choice. Listen, I know you love him, and I love him too. Obviously not in the same way but that's beside the point."

Ochako chuckled as Himiko continued.

"If he doesn't wanna do the anger management then you should break up with him. He needs to do them, and I think if he doesn't, then he shouldn't have you as his girlfriend."

Ochako was surprised by the girls words. "Break up?!" Ochako had never even thought of breaking up with him once in their whole relationship.

"That's what I said. He's gotta do this for him, if he won't, then maybe that'll be the kick in the ass he needs to do it."

Ochako sighed as she squeezed onto her pillow. "I think he'll do it...but if not maybe you're right."

"I guess only time can tell."

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