Chapter 32:Scuffle

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"Tomorrow is the day of the dance I'm so excited!" Kaminari said barely being able to hold in his excitement.

Bakugo laughed.

"Yeah, the day all of our practice will pay off." Bakugo smiled.

Izuku followed the group from behind. It had been over a week since he had semi moved in with Bakugo. Since then he barely talked to anyone, even Ochako had become distant.

Over the course of the week everyone noticed how he seemed to go back into that shell he was in when he returned and started going to U.A.

At this point izuku wasn't even sure if he and Ochako were going to the dance, it had been multiple days since the two spoke. Even in their classes together izuku was so distant that Ochako didn't even try, she had her own issues at hand.

"Alright you guys we're gonna head home, see you in the morning." Bakugo waved to Kaminari and Jiro who waved back.

Izuku didn't say anything and got in the car.

Bakugo got in the drivers seat and didn't say anything, he drove the two home.

He got out of the car when he arrived at his house and slammed the door behind him. He was incredibly angry at Izuku.

He noticed the boy shutting off everyone, even his girlfriend. That's what frustrated him the most.

Izuku also got out of the car and walked toward the door.

"I'm going somewhere, be back in a bit." Bakugo told izuku who just nodded and walked inside.

Bakugo scoffed.

He got back in his car and started driving.

'If he won't talk to her, then I will.'

He pulled into the driveway and walked up to the door, he knocked on it and a woman who looked almost identical to Ochako opened the door.

"Hello, is there something you need?" Ochako's mom asked Bakugo.

"I need to speak to Uraraka please." Bakugo asked with the woman giggling.

"Which one?" The woman asked Bakugo who couldn't help but smile.

"Ochako please." Bakugo said with Ochako's mom nodding.

"Ochako! A friend is here!" Ochako's mom called out to Ochako.

"Would you like to come inside? It's a bit chilly out." Ochako's mom offered with Bakugo slowly nodding.

He stepped inside and took off his shoes.

Ochako walked out from behind the railing and looked at Bakugo.

"Bakugo?!" He questioned the boys presence.

"Wait this is Bakugo?!" Ochako's mom looked back at the boy.

Bakugo nodded and awkwardly waved at the woman.

"Aw I haven't seen you since you were a little boy!" Ochako's mom walked up and hugged the boy.

Bakugo patted the woman's back while chuckling.

"It's been a long time..." Bakugo looked over to Ochako who was just staring at him.

"So what's up Bakugo." Ochako asked as her mom stopped hugging the boy.

"We need to talk." Bakugo walked up the stairs.

"Alone." He poked the girl on her shoulder and she rolled her eyes.

"Let's go then." Ochako turned back and walked into her room with Bakugo following close behind.

Ochako closed the door.

"So, what is it you need to talk about." Ochako asked as she turned back to see Bakugo rummaging through photo's on Ochako's desk.

"The hell are you doing!" Ochako almost yells at the boy while walking up to him.

Bakugo pulls out a photo and puts it in Ochako's face.

"Remember this? It wasn't even two weeks ago."

Ochako looks at the photo.

It was from Izuku did the small proposal for the dance. Ochako grit her teeth.

"Of course I remember damnit..." She mumbled while pulling out her phone and turning it on, before showing Bakugo.

Her Lock Screen was the same picture that Bakugo just showed her. Bakugo was slightly surprised.

"Why the hell haven't you two been talking? The dance is tomorrow don't you still wanna go?" Bakugo asks the girl who grits her teeth.

"I don't know what the hell to do Bakugo! Izuku hasn't tried to talk to me at all for almost a week!" Ochako raises her voice at Bakugo.

"Then talk to him damnit! Isn't it obvious that he's not in the right state of mind?! Haven't you noticed that? Aren't you his girlfriend for Christ sake!" Bakugo also raised his voice.

"Shut up! You don't know anything about what I've been thinking! I know izuku isn't right! But I also don't know if I can do anything." Ochako starts crying.

"I love him so much yet I feel helpless when it comes to helping him! I feel like if I do anything that I'll just be a burden to him!" Ochako clenches her fists as tears flow down her face.

Bakugo stares at the girl.

"I'm sorry. I gotta go." He tells the girl who scoffs.

"So what you just came here to yell at me? Real nice Bakugo." Ochako growled at the boy.

"I'm sorry Uraraka, seriously." Bakugo walked out of her room and shut the door.

'I forgot that she's going through her own shit...damnit.' Bakugo quickly left the house and drove away back to his own.

He burst through his room door to see izuku laying down with earbuds in.

"Get up Deku!" He yelled at the boy startling him.

"What?" Izuku groaned while taking out one of his earbuds.

"You need to lock the fuck in kid!" Bakugo yelled at Izuku who looked at him confused.

"Uraraka is in shambles because you're being fucking stupid!" Bakugo grabs izuku by the collar and brings him to his feet.

"Stop being a pussy!" Bakugo pushes izuku and he crashes into the wall.

Izuku grits his teeth.

He was angry at Bakugo, but also angry at himself.

Bakugo was right, izuku knew he needed to be with Ochako. He needed her, and she needed him.

He felt so stupid, he completely distanced himself from the one person who was always willing to stay by his side.

Izuku started to cry and bakugo looked at him funny.

"I didn't hit you that hard..." Bakugo muttered making izuku laugh.

"I'm such a dumbass..." Izuku mutters while still laughing.

Izuku stands up and puts a fist out to Bakugo.

"Thanks man I really needed that." Izuku says while Bakugo looks at him dumbfounded.

Bakugo fist bumps him.

"Well then you better make it up to her!" Bakugo tells the boy who smirks.

"Don't worry, I have an idea."

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