Chapter 98: Discussing the Offer

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If any of y'all don't remember, Katsuma Shimano is the little boy from the Hero's Rising movie. (He's obviously aged up like Eri and Kota)

Kota walked hand in hand with Eri. The two were going back to his house.

"I really don't want me to be a factor in whether you go to America this year or not..." Eri told Kota who shook his head.

"I can't leave you now, it hasn't even been 2 months since we became a couple." Kota tells the girl who frowned.

"Kota, I've never wanted to get in your way. I want to be by your side as you achieve your goal. I refuse to be a thorn in your side you understand that right?" Eri asked the boy who sighed.

" understand how much I care about you right?" Kota says to the girl who nods.

"I do, and I appreciate that you do. But I need you to put yourself and your own goals before me." Eri says as she squeezes his hand a bit.

Kota was stumped. He knew Eri was right but he didn't want to leave her in Japan. Eri had always planned to go to College in America but she knew that she couldn't leave Japan before then. So she couldn't go with him, as much as she wanted too.

"If I did go...would this work out? Like would you be willing to do long distant?" Kota asks Eri who giggles.

"Of course, you've shown me what it's like to feel love. So I couldn't imagine losing that feeling between us you know?" Eri walks in front of the boy and grabs his other hand while smiling.

Kota blushes and smiles.

"Kota you asked me if I understood how much you cared about me." Eri says to the boy who nods. She smiles before continuing.

"Well, do you understand how much I care about you? This is a two way relationship after all." She says to the boy who looks down and smiles.

"I guess you're know when you're serious you sound really mature." Kota peaks back up at the girl who gains a smug grin on her face.

"I guess you could say I'm pretty mature, when I need to be." Eri says still grinning.

Kota chuckles before leaning in and hugging the girl. "I'm so happy that homecoming happened...I don't know how long I could've kept the shtick up. Especially when you had started to randomly hug me and hold my hand. It was stressful..." Kota mumbled as he leaned on the girl.

She giggled. "I know, I always think about how odd it must've felt for you. Seeing I was clueless at the time." Eri reaches her hand up while letting go of Kota's.

She touches the hat that she had bought him on their first date, if you could even call it that.

"Even if you do go to America. You'll always have a piece of me with you as long as you carry that hat." She tells the boy who smiles while also touching the hat.

"That's why I always keep it on in the first place." Kota chuckled and Eri giggled.

Kota backed his face up a bit, staring into the girls eyes.

"Eri, no matter what happens I wanna be with you. So I really don't know if I'll go to America. Especially since the end of this year is so close..." Kota mumbled as he continued to watch the girls eyes.

The color fascinated him. The girl loved Candy Apples and Kota was always reminded that when he would look into her eyes.

Eri noticed him staring and a small blush appeared on her face.

"It's your choice in the end, but I really don't want me to be a factor in that choice." Eri raises her hand and puts it on Kota's face.

"I lo-"

Kota leaned in and gently placed his lips on hers, cutting her off. Eri's face exploded into a blush.

Kota slowly removed his lips and backed up. His eyes widened as he realized what he just did.

"I-I...I really just did that." The boy was surprised at his own actions as he looked at Eri who slowly put one of her fingers on her lips.

"You did..." She still had a huge blush on her face.

This was the first time they had shared a kiss on the lips. Before that it was just kisses on the cheek.

Kota remembered this.

And couldn't control his blush.

"I'm sorry..." Kota apologized as he quickly turned away from the girl while holding his hands over his face.

Eri smiled at the boys shyness. "It's was good timing I guess." The girl laughed a bit and Kota slowly turned back around.

"You think?" Kota asks the girl who chuckles.

"Yeah, I couldn't think of a better time besides my birthday." Eri told the boy who puffed his cheeks.

"Damnit that is a better time..." The boy muttered to himself and Eri's chuckle turned into a full on laugh.

"Speaking of, what are you gonna do for your birthday? December starts this week, so you should probably plan soon." Kota tells the girl who raises a brow.

"You remember your birthday is in December too right?" The girl asks the boy who blinks a few times.

"Oh yeah...forgot." Kota mumbles and Eri rolls her eyes.

"Dummy. If you want we can celebrate our birthdays together." Eri proposes as the two finally continue to walk to Kota's house.

"Like the same day?" Kota asks the girl who shakes her head.

"No, I'll come over to your house on your birthday and you can come over to my house on mine. That would be more fun I think." Eri says to the boy who slowly nods.

"I think that would work!" Kota grinned.

The two had close birthdays. Kota was December 12th and Eri was December 21st.

"Oh! Also! We can make cakes at each other's houses! That would be so fun!" Eri giggled as the two neared her home.

Kota smiled at the girl.

"Sounds fun. I'm down for it if you are!"

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